University of Nigeria Nsukka (UNN) today November 28, 2018 embarked on a fitness walk in honour of the Vice Chancellor Prof. Benjamin Chukwuma Ozumba in preparation of the 48th convocation ceremony of the university.

    The fitness walk as it was tagged was a huge success as the academic, non-academic staff and students were all in attendance regardless of their position in the university. The vice chancellor who was unavoidably absent was duly represented by the Deputy Vice chancellor Admin Prof. Charles Igwe who led the fitness walk from the beginning to the end of it. It was a 3-theme tagged road walk: mental alertness, physical fitness and healthy living. Everyone involved converged on the freedom square and carried on to the main school gate which is a long feet to cover.

    It was a colourful and impressive activity, as 3,353 meters was covered from the freedom square to the main school gate and same from the main school gate to the entrance of the VC’s office making it a total of 6,706 meters covered during the walk.

    Both the young and old participated fully. Banners, branded shirts and face caps were also made available to the participants and music and dances filled the air. At the end of the walk, a prayer was said for the university, the VC, staff, graduants, and students for the success of the 58th convocation. The Public Relation Officer of the University, Dr. Omeaku thanked everyone who availed themselves for the fitness walk and bid them a wonderful stay in the university in the course of the convocation.

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