~The Numerous Tastes Of The Same Soup!

    Over time, the ODINMA NSUKKA, the political pressure group, quite formidable in their modus operandi, have constantly aligned with the good visions of the Ugwuanyi administration on Peace, Security, Good governance, Equity, Justice and Fairness. This immense group of eminent Nsukka sons and daughters have been in one accord with the Rt. Hon. (Dr.) Ifeanyi Lawrence Ugwuanyi since his emergene as the Governor of Enugu State.

    The recent public statements credited to the Senator representing Enugu North Senatorial Zone in the Red chambers of the National Assembly in the person of Senator Chuka Utazi, in a sincere critical examination is antithetical to the true disposition of the ODINMA NSUKKA and a booby trap for the people of Enugu North, which Senator Utazi claims to be representing.

    The good people of Enugu West Senatorial Zone, having known the antecedents of the said Senator Chuka Utazi, sincerely and dutifully believe that this public comment by him is a surreptitious Strategy of playing Senator Ike Ekweremmadu’s script to divide Governor Ugwuanyi’s purposeful and united home – front ahead of 2023.

    Senator Chuka Utazi, is a well known political stooge and ally of Senator Ike Ekweremadu. He has been working against ODINMA NSUKKA from day one. He had earlier earned opprobium by asking that the whole budget of Enugu State be hijacked by the Governor for Nsukka alone at the 20th November 2020 reception of the Governor by ODINMA NSUKKA.

    Then he unsuccessfully pushed to hijack the group into his private estate but the people knowing he has no interest in Nsukka refused.

    He then planned with his master to use the ending of the 24 development centers tour of the group as a platform to scatter the peaceful zoning arrangement that have been existing in Enugu State and which is now in the favor of the Enugu East Senatorial Zone to produce the next Governor of Enugu State after Governor Ugwuanyi come 2023.

    The ODINMA NSUKKA have toured 24 Development Centres without any rancour or upheaval whatsoever, preaching that all must wait for The Governor to make his choices like Chimaroke Nnamani and Sullivan Chime did before him.

    Senator Chuka Utazi only attended one out of 24 development centers and with his co-travelers in infamy latched onto the event to smear the good messages of the ODINMA NSUKKA. His seed of discord as against the earlier Stance of the Noble group was firmly repudiated by the Chairman, Engr Vita Abba and Hon Engr Simon Atigwe who had opportunities to speak there, emphasizing that we have a Good and Wonderful Governor in Enugu State who, like other preceding Governors should pick his successor and the zone.

    We need to remind Utazi, Ekweremadu, Okey Ezea and their cohorts that zoning is already a living document and a practice in Enugu State and the Governor has the final say on such issues.

    We already know the subterfuge and ulterior motives behind Senator Chuka Utazi’s brazen public comments on the Nsukka 2023. A million Utazis and their sponsors cannot change an action whose time has come, under a peaceful Governor like Ugwuanyi.

    The Senator’s real purpose is to instigate the good people of Enugu North Senatorial Zone to contest the Governorship seat against Enugu East zone come 2023, by watering the ground for Senator Ike Ekweremmadu’s adamant mission to make the gubernatorial race in Enugu State a free for all fight.

    Sen Utazi has again exposed the emptiness of his master’s plan by deploying his usual trademark of divide and rule to introduce confusion into the polity and among stakeholders to further meander and open up the way for his political mentor to emerge from the ensuing confusion.

    Therefore, Senator Chuka Utazi should be in the know that we now know what he is simply doing.(Senator Ike Ekweremmadu’s script) in Nsukka.

    However, the subtle conspiracy has already totally died before arrival.

    The good people of Enugu West hereby advise our brothers of the Enugu North not to fall asleep or fail into the opponent’s tricks.

    The likes of Chief Engr Vita Abba, Hon. Simon Atigwe and other powerful and notable voices among the membership of ODINMA NSUKKA movement have bursted this sinister plot.

    Ekweremmadu has tried all he can to penetrate Nsukka with his selfish gubernatorial ambition but failed woefully.

    Now, he is labouring to use his agent provocateur, Sen. Chuka Utazi to introduce a new strategy for the same agenda in Nsukka which he hopes to use and justify his own selfish political ambition from Enugu West Senatorial Zone come 2023.
    The harder they try, the harder the fall.

    Senator Utazi should have learnt his lesson from recent history, having nominated the same Ike Ekweremmadu in floor of the senate to contest for Deputy Senate president position for the 4th time against all odds but failed woefully.

    Both Utazi and his mentor Ekweremmadu were roundly defeated and rejected by the Senate, even in favor of a man that once desecrated the hallowed chambers.

    This was supposed to teach Utazi and Ekweremadu some bitter lessons, that no condition especially founded on perfidy can be permanent.

    The fact remains that both Utazi and Ekweremmadu are on their way to final political retirement.

    They are trying all evil like a castrated man trying to rape a virgin.

    Trying all evil gimmicks to see if they can hold onto cobwebs for survival while drowning in the political waters ahead of 2023.

    The last kicks of a dying horse!

    Engr Vita Abba (OON), Chairman of ODINMA NSUKKA at the same time gave Senator Chuka Utazi a message to take home to his sponsor, which we shall not hesitate to highlight if Senator Utazi doesn’t purge himself of his evil deeds.

    Utazi have tried several times to denigrate the people’s Governor, The Rt Hon Dr Ifeanyi Lawrence Ugwuanyi to no avail, now he should wait for the wrath of the people.


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