Sunday Tonic: Finger of God

Exodus 8:19- Then the magicians said unto pharaoh, this is the finger of God, and Pharaoh’s heart was hardened and he hearkeneth not unto them as the Lord had said.


  • The magicians/sorcerers can afflict with diseases & poverty.
  • A greater power can stop/hinder them from performing their acts.
  • They were able to recognise the hinderance from the higher power (The Finger of God, aka chukwu di ya!).

Many a times we get to a stage in our lives where we face all kinds of afflictions raging from ill health, poverty, rejection, joblessness, accidents etc. we begin to run helter skelter. We become desperate and listen to all kinds of advice.

Some of us will get the advice of going back to those who afflicted us, thereby compounding our problems it is either they bring temporary solutions that brings chain problems later or to bring much higher bondage that will affect the whole family in the future. Some times the devil will prefer to steal, kill and destroy outrightly. This is his 3 main agenda.

Remember God warned us of his organized Network luke 11: 18, meaning you can reach devil from Abakiliki, Nsukka, or the fetish person at your backyard, he knows his network node and doesn’t mind answering all kinds of fetish names from each node. He disappoints the devices of the crafty so their hands cannot perform their entreprise Job 5:12

You need the Finger of God in that situation or else no hindrance in their act.
You need the Finger of God to quench the rage of the wicked.
You need the Finger of God to uproot satanic plantations
You need the finger of God to rewrite your ugly history and the sentence attached to your destiny.

How do you Invoke the Finger of God?

  • Righteous living: Fools are afflicted because of their sins psalm 107:17. Many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivereth them all. Psalm 34:19. Psalm 34:15 The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and his ears are upon them that fear him.
  • Psalms and Praises: God inhabits the praises of his people psalm 22:3 is anyone afflicted please sing psalms 5:13, Psalm 30. Woe betides anyone who dares to afflict you when in Gods presence. The Finger of God is sure to visit the person.
  • Praying and Fasting: This type goeth not but by praying and Fasting Matthew 17:1
  • Be Consistent: in your Fellowship with the saints 1 john 1:7 remember Companion of fools will destroy you and please mind where your advice is coming from.
  • The Word of God: which should not depart from you day & night. Put on the whole armor of God Ephesians 6:13. The Word of God is your weapon of warfare.

Lastly Make up your mind to be on the Lord’s side even when in the midst of adversity, remind him in prayer Psalm 145: 13 – 20.

The side of the Lord is never rosy, You will surely experience warfare because you are on track but remain on the side of the creator of heaven & earth, The light that illuminates the whole world and all works of darkness, he revealeth to you deep & secret things, he alone knows where your troubles emanates from.

He fights that battles even when you are not aware Psalm 91 Your glorious destiny must shine. Amen.

This Message is brought to you by E.V.E (Emon Vision Evangelism) Send us mail, we want to hear your thoughts, messages and prayer points etc also Follow us on facebook for your periodic release of Soul messages @E.V.E

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