Scorecard of Northwestern Governors (6)

    North western govs of Nigeria

    Torch-bearer Tambuwal lights up Sokoto


    Gov Tambuwal of Sokoto State

    Upon assumption of office as the sixth Executive Governor of Sokoto State, Tambuwals revolutionary imprints were first noticed in the states education sector when it first prioritised through the allocation of highest budget. The latest sectoral allocation of N47, 880, 096, 366 .25 to education, being 24 per cent share of the total budget sum of N202, 444, 458, 429.02 was a testimony.

    To complement this, an Education Trust Fund was raised under the able care of His Eminence, Dr. Muhammadu Saad Abubakar III, Sultan of Sokoto. The scheme which has been adjudged as first in history of the State now allows a monthly contributions of token by individuals in a proportional form to develop the education sector.
    But, as the saying goes, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a step, the bold steps taken by Governor Tambuwal is now yielding positive results. One of such is the rapidly reduction in rate of out of school children, as recognized and certified by UNICEF. At it stands today, Sokoto is the first State to initiate a payment of conditional cash transfer to mothers of girls enrolled into primary one, in order to boost girl-child education.
    The governor believes that uplifting the standard of education in the State can not be done without students aspiring for higher education learning. In his wisdom, Rt. Hon. Aminu Waziri Tambuwal knows that the State Scholarship Board must also be prioritised. So far, it is undisputed that under Tambuwals watch, N7.5 billion has been expended judiciously on various scholarships.

    As it stands, the dream of indigenous students in studying abroad has never been dashed through sponsorship of State students across the state. So far, no fewer than 200 students of which 50 are female have been sponsored by the Tambuwal administration to study medicine and para-medicine courses in India, Ghana, Sudan and Ukraine while 168 (about 60%) have so far graduated and returned to the State to contribute their quotas in the health sector.
    In addition, 400 students are currently studying various selected professional courses in 32 universities across the globe courtesy of Tambuwals administration while another 200 qualified students are waiting to be sponsored to China to study computer science, engineering and other technology related courses.

    At home, a total number of 21,000 indigenous students are studying in various universities, Colleges, Polytechnics among other Higher institutions across the country whose tuition fees are being paid by Governor Tambuwals administration. The number of law graduates sponsored by his administration has increased to 148 while the number of indigenes assisted to attend various scholarship interviews have risen to 366.
    On infrastructure, indigenous contractors are today handling various construction projects now ongoing across all sectors in the state. In addition, 500 blocks of 6 classrooms, administrative blocks and libraries have been completed.

    The United Nations Childrens Education Fund (UNICEF) and other international organizations have also recognized and certified the governors stewardship in education sector.
    One would like to ask how the Governor has been able to achieve these feats with ease, having inherited abandoned projects from his predecessor.Some of these include independent power plant, cattle breeding project, International Conference Centre, Kalambaina Housing Project, Sokoto City Projects at Asaro, Nakasari and Runjin Sambo; College of Nursing Sciences Sokoto, College of Agriculture Wurno, College of Legal Studies Wamakko, College of Midwifery Sciences Tambuwal and Gidan Salanke Housing Project to mention a few.
    These aforementioned projects have, in the past, suffered neglect by the immediate past administration but they are now being accorded top priority by the Tambuwal administration.
    While assenting the 2020 budget, the governor assured the people of Sokoto State of his commitment to policies and programmes that would have relevance to their needs and aspirations and that the policy thrust of the budget was to ensure sustainable economic development through substantial investment in critical sectors.
    One of such is the setting aside of N4billion as grants not loan for 1,000 persons in each of the states 22 LGAs.

    At N20,000 for each beneficiary to shore up their small-scale businesses, men and women benefit in equal measure, at 500 persons each.So far, 2,000 men and women have gotten the grant in Gudu and Isa LGAs.
    Notably, the Tambuwal leadership model is beginning to attract the attention of the very critical Nigerian media and social commentators. Just on the very first day of this year, 2020, Tambuwal was deservedly announced as the Silverbird Man of the Year. The media conglomerate said the Sokoto State governor was chosen for the award for his efforts in infrastructure development and uplifting the education sector in Sokoto state.

    Indeed, one sector in which Governor Tambuwal is focusing attention devoid of the usual media blitz is the rapid industrialisation of Sokoto state.
    Desirous to change the civil service status of the state, he has, over the last four years, been engrossed in attracting several job-providing and wealth creation businesses to the state.

    Among the several concerns operating optimally in the state, and engaging the local workforce, as well as swelling the states internally generated revenue, is the strategic partnership between the Cement Company of Northern Nigeria and the BUA Group.
    Trading under the brand name, Sokoto Cement, work is currently at about 80 per cent completion of the companys new three million metric tonnes per annum Kalambaina Cement Line 2 project.
    With an existing 1.5 million MTPA Line 1 already in operation, and the 500,000 MTPA Sokoto Cement Plant, the boost to the local economy value chain can only be imagined.
    Worthy of mention too is the two-pronged Dangote Group presence in Sokoto facilitated by Governor Tambuwal, who gave out land as incentive.
    These consists of the 25 hectares Rice Outgrowers Scheme located around Goronyo, Nigerias second largest dam, and the Dangote Rice Mill sited in Runji village, Kware LGA.

    While about 5,000 out-growers of rice have already been engaged, the Mill on the other is designed to process 32 metric tonnes of rice per hour and a combined capacity to process 250,000 metric tonnes per year.
    Then, there is also the Phosphate Blending Plant, a partnership between the Sokoto State Government and OCP Group of Morocco.
    Other related phosphate value chain products such as inorganic fertiliser companies, feed mills, phosphoric acid factory and many other ancilliary businesses are expected to spring up therefrom.

    Other similar initiatives include the partnership with Pan African Entreprise, a British company, to establish a Tannery and Shoe factory in Sokoto; the Goronyo Sugar Factory, for which the first and second seed multiplication farms have been completed and machinery currently been awaited from India; and several local investors who continue to receive support from Governor Tambuwal.
    Essentially the grand design, besides seeking to reflate the local economy, is to ultimately create more and more jobs, thereby creating wealth for both individuals, corporate concerns and the state.
    Tambuwals magic touch has also had to bear on housing, energy and power (State IPP), roads, health, rural and community development, agriculture, water resources and mining.

    At no time in the history of the state have doctors enjoyed recognition and a relationship that has brought out the professionalism in them than the Tambuwal administration. In fact, many of them have been engaged and sponsored for medical studies in foreign universities under the Higher Education Scheme Programme. This initiative has impacted on the Sokoto State Strategic Health Plan for which began in 2016.
    Hundreds of civil servants have benefitted from home renovation through loans guaranteed by the government and expended through the Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria (FMBN). Also, over 2000 housing units have been completed and given out to the citizens.

    Pensioners in the state have also enjoyed the best of times as their retirement benefits are paid promptly.

    Available statistics indicate that a million jobs have been created by the administration in the last four years, especially in the civil service, agricultural sector, mining sector and the health sector.
    Huge agriculture incentives including loans have been extended to farmers who have enjoyed thousands of tonnes of fertilizer bought at subsidized rates by the government and sold to them.

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