Restructure Nigeria: Conference of Ethnic Nationalities – By Chimaroke Nnamani, EBEANO.

Nigeria another product of the Berlin Conference Partition Experiment in 1884/1885 has been “structured and restructured “ever since. Through the Amalgamation of the Colony of Lagos and Southern Protectorate in 1906.

The Amalgamation of the Northern Protectorate and Southern Protectorate in 1914 and it’s affirmative constitution. The constitution of Hugh Clifford in 1922 and Arthur Richards of 1946.

Northern Nigeria demanded restructuring in the 40s, thus the Macpherson constitution of 1951
Delineated the Federal House of Representatives seats 34, 34 and 68, East, West and North of Nigeria respectively. Earlier Governor Bernard Bourdillon had confirmed and formalized the administrative structures of Eastern, Western and Northern Nigeria. Again the 1953 motion of Enahoro of Action Group for Independence by 1956 and commotion that ensued. The Macpherson Constitution of 1951 was subsequently replaced with the Lyttleton Constitution of 1954. By 1957 Eastern and Western Nigeria had Regional Self Governments and Northern Nigeria in 1959. Also at same period the regions kept 100 percent of their Geologically derived revenue.

Subsequent reviews starting with the Raisman Commission of 1958 and the advent of Oil exploration. Revenue was now shared 50 percent to the regions , 30 percent to a central distributive pool account and 20 percent to Federal government. It is gross Anathema to the Regions that all Revenue allocation adjustments since 1958 with the era of Oil Boom inclusive have favored and benefited the central Government tremendously. Ditto the Power trajectory has also Centralized power to the exclusion of the multiple Ethnic Nations chiseled into a country, Nigeria.

The brunt and burden of this distorted dictatorial power trajectory have been borne by the Igbo ethnic Nationallty. The Igbo having been dislodged in the prevailing power equation have been sequestered in an artificial pseudo minority condemnation. The Nigeria negotiated by our Fathers is no more there, now as they watch from the land of the Spirits, this Nigeria is alien, unknown and a negation of their dreams and laid down foundations for their forebears. The answer folks: A Sovereign National Conference of Ethnic African Nationalities that constitute the Nigerian State. To renegotiate Nigeria based on the original foundation laid down by her Founding Fathers. An initial tripodal formation, born of Justice and political equanimity.

That is A True Federation, PHYSICAL and FISCAL in all Ramifications.

truefederalism #ebeano #ChimarokeNnamani #Aladimma

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