Reps congratulated the Chairman of the United Bank for Africa (UBA) group for making the list of top 100 most influential people in the 2020 Time magazine award.

    By Makerson

    The Minority Caucus of the House of Representatives on Thursday, congratulated the Chairman of the United Bank for Africa (UBA) group, Dr Tony Elumelu, for making the list of top 100 most influential people in the 2020 Time magazine award. The lawmakers described the recognition as “well-deserving, given Dr Elumelu’s selfless contribution towards human capital development, wealth creation, economic growth as well as empowerment of young entrepreneurs not only in Nigeria but also in Africa in general.”

    Leader of the House of Representatives, Rep. Ndudi Elumelu (PDP-Delta), ob behalf of the Caucus, noted that “Dr Elumelu’s entrepreneurial spirit, hard work and innovativeness have again brought respect and honour to our nation in the international arena.” According to the lawmakers, “as lawmakers, we are proud of Dr Elumelu, whose performance in global business competitiveness has further reinforced our individual and collective resilience to add value in our national, continental and the global quest for economic growth and better living standard”.

    The lawmakers celebrated Dr. Elumelu’s achievement in “providing corporate and consumer banking services to more than 21 million customers every year in no fewer than 20 African countries, the United Kingdom and France as well as his feat in financial services, hospitality, healthcare, power and energy to boost wealth creation, business and employment opportunities and better living standard in Nigeria and across Africa”. The caucus also noted that” the naming by Time, is another loud ovation to the Tony Elumelu Foundation (TEF) for its creation of millions of jobs particularly through the investing of $5000 in 1000 young entrepreneurs every year, across all 54 countries as well as his economic philosophy of Africapitalism, which has repositioned private sector engagement across the continent”.

    The lawmakers urged Dr Elumelu,” to see this recognition as a voice speaking for the beneficiaries of his programs and a call for more service to humanity”. The caucus also commended other public-spirited individuals, who in no small measure have been contributing to the development and economic empowerment in our nation.


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