~By Enugu Concerned Citizens Initiative For Good Governance

Life is Nature’s version of an African masquerade. And like the masquerade, it wears a mask behind which stands for the hidden truth. To many a great mind, life presents a reality that is no clearer than the puzzling case of Dr Peter Ndubuisi Mba.

Excited or impassioned, perhaps, by life’s anthology of puzzles, Nathan leopold gave expression to his encounter and understanding of life with a dose of vitriolic humour. In his life plus 99 years., he exclaimed: ” what a rotten writer of detective stories life is. Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. in his 1932 speech to the American Federal Bar Association, characterised it thus: “life seems to me like a Japanese picture which our imagination does not allow to end in the margin”

The essence of life that Leopold and Holmes painted with their pens is only but one side of a coin. Undeniably, on the other side, life is profoundly sublime. It is a thing of joy. Something with a metaphysical chemistry beyond the reach of science, and at once a unique fetishism that drives humanity in the direction of new hopes and new frontiers.

Thus, even if one agrees with the Russian poet Vladimir Nabokov, that human life is but a series of footnotes to a vast obscure unfinished masterpiece, “allowance must be made for the cumulative importance of the footnotes”. We must have to recognise and share the immeasurable sense of achievement the mother who begets a child, for to give birth to a baby is to beget life itself and to that extent belongs to the race of gods. But the mother’s joy, nay her new-found omnipotence couldn’t have been worth the while if mankind itself didn’t believe that life is the only agency through which it would create and build its civilization, and with it, it’s own history.

Yet, for any civilization or history that is worth the name, there must be pathfinders, the men of talent and vision to champion it. (PNM in focus). Except for some congenital confusionist (s), talent is a gift everyone is born with. Barr. Peter Ndubuisi Mba is born with a positive disruptive, revolutionary thinking capability which has been pragmatically evident in his entrepreneurial endeavours before now. Erica Jong, an American writer, agrees with this. But her perception of the matter stamps on it a remarkable dimension. In her own words: “everyone has talent, what is rare is the courage to follow that talent to the places where it leads”

In every society, there comes a time when a man of genius, bolstered by the strength of his convictions and vision, accepts the leadership challenge and charts his part to Jong’s places

Abraham Lincoln, desiring a nation where no one would be slave to the other, fought a civil war, and the list is endless.

Frontiersmen of Mankind like Peter Ndubuisi Mba (PNM) and their other colleagues are destined to be fought or resisted, especially in their immediate environment by political neophytes, economic novices and people of lilliput understanding of the global economic barometer. Everyone of these frontiersmen great visionary leaps takes with it a thousand and one leaps of enemies, stalking them, daggers drawn.

The American novelist and social critic, Norman Mailer, seemed to have been bearing his worries about this apparent enemies of the genius (Man of talent) since 1967. In his writers at work of the same year, he remarked: “Nearly everything in the scheme of things works to resist a first rate talent”. This resistance, “Mailer’s” euphemism for the threat to the Man of talent and vision seems to be well-known and recognised by those men of talent themselves.

PETER NDUBUISI Mba, among the numerous contenders for the lion building, is the only candidate that is adequately prepared for the task of 21st century economic transformational leadership. This preparedness is laced with a loud, workable and ambitious documents otherwise known as Campaign Manifesto

Furthermore, no candidate in the history of our dear Enugu State have ever come up with such a fantastic economic blueprint. To demonstrate this preparedness, it has been noted that no candidate has traversed the rural areas like Peter Ndubuisi Mba and his running mate, marketing this top rated economic vision for Ndi-Enugu state

Concepts like; the truth, great ideas, resilience and persistence in the end remains inviolable in the face of contest.

When originators of great ideas like PNM takes up the gauntlet to lead their people, their vision waters and fertilise the soil overnight and through the years, this vision of their’s sprouts and grow.

Ndi-Enugu state more than ever before, dream and seek a viral economy state whose noble achievements would be a pride of the entire black race. This is what Pete Ndubuisi Mba is coming to the lion building to actualize.

Rather than fail his numerous industry enthusiasts, a replication of the great leaps he took with pinnacle oil in the Nigerian oil down stream sector will take place in Enugu State. Peter Ndubuisi Mba/Ifeanyi Ossai’s election into the lion building is the sure equivalent of Ndi-Enugu sowing the plants that will bear the fruits of the visions and positive disruptive ideas which will in turn place our dear State on a global spotlight.

This Message is Brought to you by the leadership of Enugu Concerned Citizens Initiative (ECCI)For Good Governance

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