The role of great men may perhaps sometimes be exaggerated in much historical writing even in recent times, but it still remains true that it is with human beings, whether great or humble, that history is concerned.

“…these men, be they our ancestors or present leaders, can and indeed must be considered under very different aspects: as individual leaders, as individual representatives, and as groups (talking about their Governments or States which they held sway) and in every case the historians will find themselves confronted by what is probably the most difficult of all their tasks in explanation.”

“To account for human actions, even in this present day, is hazardous, and for these historians to make statements about the intentions of the actors in their accounts, whether individuals or groups, the reasoning and inner promptings behind those actions, plunges the historian into the deepest of the deep water of the psychology that man’s conduct is greatly influenced by motives which are unconscious and so unrecognised by him at the time of action (and probably ever afterwards), as well as by conscious motives, the former being often, perhaps always the more important…”

In Enugu State, Governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi has imbibed the combination of sound visionary policies laced with leadership precision, which have amplified the impact and significance of the huge investment of the State Government on its security architecture.

As a vital sector in the global spotlight, even Nigerians on the macrosm level are already wary of Federal Governments huge financial investment in the security sector as the wind of these new trends in global terrorism phenomenon began to occur across the entire spectrum.

OPM stands with Governor Ugwuanyi’s leadership in his methods in the management of the spasmodic security challenges which confronted our dear state of recent.

Governor Ugwuanyi took cognisance of the inseparable nexus between security, the political economy and unemployment. The expansion of the state Neighbourhood Watch Group in the 17 local government areas, taking up a good number of both the rural and urban youth population (over 1700 of them) from off the streets to be remunerated.

The establishment of the Enugu State Forest Guards which saw to the recruitment of over 2000 able-bodied young men in the state, thereby taking them out off the street to be gainfully employed.

The beautiful synergy between the State Government and the nation’s security agencies is also a serious and visible commitment on the Governor’s avowed determination to nip the ugly trends of our present security challenges in the bud.

Again, the new partnership between the State Governor and the leadership of the Tricycle (Keke) operators, the motorcyclists (Okada) operators and the Tipper Union in Enugu State is an excellent example of inclusion in leadership and decision making process as an approach towards a safe and peaceful Enugu State of our collective dream.

This new partnership represents an ideological leadership substance, the one which will not place any blame on any external factors in the event of any further upheaval, which we pray it will never occur again with the new security measures in place.

Our dear Governor’s humility and leadership wisdom, his motives under the present circumstance is divine and timely inspired.

The leadership of these critical stakeholders and unavoidable players in Enugu State security and their teeming members must embrace this partnership from our dear Governor and evolve a comprehensive plan, one that dictates a solemn commitment to respond to security signals for the good of our dear State.

ODENGENE PEOPLES MOVEMENT (OPM) Stands with Gburugburu for Good Governance, FAIRNESS, Equity, Justice and Adequate Security for the Good people of Enugu State.

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