Ohanézè Ndị Ìgbo Sets Up 9-Man Committee to Determine Extent Of Ìgbo Losses Over Demolition At Alaba International Market Ojo Lagos, Backed By Nigerian Voice And Voice of southeast

By, Okafor Onyeka Cyndia/Nigerian Voice/Voice of Southeast

Voice of southeast has before now written an open wounded heart letter to the Lagos state governor His Excellency babajide Sanwo-Olu over the illegal demolition of Alaba International Market Ojo Lagos, by Lagos state building control agency LASBCA on the 17th day of June 2023. The major content of the open letter Directed to the Lagos state governor Sanwo-Olu, was for the Lagos state government to recompense the affected traders over their loss. Following the illegitimate Demolition.

Enormous patriotic well thinking Nigerian citizens in different ethnic groups, equally criticised the methodology, in which was established by the Lagos state building control agency (LASBCA) in leading to the Demolition of some part of Alaba International Market, Which our interminable investigation has littered that the Demolished structures and goods were belonging to Igbo’s traders, the Lagos state building control agency LASBCA, never checked the pros and cons before forging ahead to do what they wish, to inflict pains to the innocent trader’s.

As the case Maybe now the apex Igbo sociocultural group Ohanézè Ndị Ìgbo led by their president General Chief Emmanuel Iwuanyawu has equally joined the concerned citizens of Nigeria to condemn the illicit Demolition and seek for what is able to be obtained to the affected traders.

As stated in anger during their visit to Lagos state to see for themselves how the affected traders are doing and know the length of the damages and as well seek for lasting solutions in order to see the affected traders overcome the challenges facing them presently.

In a statement: The apex Igbo sociocultural group organisation, Ohaneze Ndịgbo worldwide has decried the level of destruction of Igbo business at the Alaba International Market (AIM) by the Lagos state government.

Ohanézè has subsequently set up a nine-man committee, chaired by Dr. Charles Odunukwe and Vincent Ikwueze as committee secretary to look into all the issues surrounding the demolition and plight of the Igbo traders.

The terms of reference for the committee include the verification of authenticity of the various claims, and cost of damages, amongst others.

Ohanézè president General, chief Emmanuel Iwuanyawu, in a statement Signed by the organisation’s spokesman, Dr. Alex Ogbonnia, and issued on Wednesday after a fact-finding visit to the market for an on-the-spot assessment of the demolitions, lamented the level of destruction seen there.

Dr. Iwuanyawu said the government of Lagos marked only three buildings that were said to be distressed but ended up Demolishing 30 buildings.

He said the demolished buildings were reallocated to other business concerns, a development he said was unacceptable to Ndígbo, more so when those properties were originally bought and paid for by Igbo traders.

Chief Iwuanyawu, who expressed deep grief over the extent and loss incurred as a result of the demolition exercise, assured the traders that they would overcome the immediate Challenges.

He further explained that if a Nigerian can buy property in any part of the world, there is no reason for the Nigerian to have their property Demolished in any part of Nigeria, at very short notice.

He asked the Igbo traders to remain unfazed and in high spirits, promising that he will stand against any form of injustice against any Igbo people anywhere and anytime.

Chief Iwuanyawu, however, expressed delight in the warm reception from thousands of Igbo who trooped out to receive him and the members of the Ohanézè delegation.

Earlier in his speech, the president of the Alaba International Market (AIM), Chief Camillus Amajuoyi expressed immense gratitude to Iwuanyawu and members of Ohaneze Ndịgbo for responding to their yearnings over the “callousness meted to the Igbo population in Alaba market”.

Amajuoyi expressed surprise that soon after they supported Babajide Sanwo-Olu on his re-election for a second term in office, the authorities of the Lagos state have served them with a calamity that can only be contemplated on an enemy zone in wartime..

Lamenting the stiffness imposed on Igbo traders by the Lagos state government, Amajuoyi listed some of the challenges the Igbo’s face in the Alaba market daily as follows:

“The road to AIM is in very bad condition. Also, all the road networks in the market are in a detestable condition. The roads are worse during the rainy season as the pot-holes are always filled with water, making it extremely difficult for people to navigate the roads.

“The Lagos state authorities marked about three buildings for Demolition; according to them, the buildings were distressed and could collapse anytime. Surprisingly, they ended up destroying over thirty buildings at a very short notice.
The worst part of the tragedy is that the lands are being resold out with fencing going on. Worst still, the authorities are not contemplating compensation on the properties that were officially purchased with all the relevant documents in place.

“That over two hundred mobile-policemen were present when the structures were being pulled down, indicates that the state Government is aware of the demolition exercise.

“That after the imported goods or containers are cleared at the Lagos wharf, the Agbero or those who claim to be agents of the state Government intercept the goods and sometimes they pay up #200,000.00 per container before it gets to the warehouse.

“For anybody to build a house on a property he or she has duly purchased, he or she pays fees/levy at the foundation levels; another fee/levy at the first decking; for any other decking, a fee will be paid again; even to put glasses, attracts another levy.

“The customers are daily embarrassed after they have purchased goods from the AIM, the buyer of the goods is levied between five and ten thousand naira without which the goods may be seized or damaged.

All they need from the state is to streamline or define the rules of engagement with the Alaba Businessmen so that they will understand their legitimate boundaries.

“Every Igbo man that dies in Lagos state, the corpse is always taken to their ancestral home. Therefore, the Igbo’s in Lagos lay no claim or pretension over the ownership of Lagos State.

“Remarkably, all the properties we occupy in Lagos are never procured by force; we either buy or rent with official legal documents in place.

“We pay all the legitimate dues to the Lagos state, thereby adding value to the economy of the state; so why all the indignities.

“That over two hundred mobile-policemen were present when the structures were being pulled down, indicates that the state Government is aware of the demolition exercise.

“That after the imported goods or containers are cleared at the Lagos wharf, the Agbero or those who claim to be agents of the state Government intercept the goods and sometimes they pay up #200,000.00 per container before it gets to the warehouse.

“For anybody to build a house on a property he or she has duly purchased, he or she pays fees/levy at the foundation levels; another fee/levy at the first decking; for any other decking, a fee will be paid again; even to put glasses, attracts another levy.

“The customers are daily embarrassed after they have purchased goods from the AIM, the buyer of the goods is levied between five and ten thousand naira without which the goods may be seized or damaged.

All they need from the state is to streamline or define the rules of engagement with the Alaba Businessmen so that they will understand their legitimate boundaries.

“Every Igbo man that dies in Lagos state, the corpse is always taken to their ancestral home. Therefore, the Igbo’s in Lagos lay no claim or pretension over the ownership of Lagos State.

“Remarkably, all the properties we occupy in Lagos are never procured by force; we either buy or rent with official legal documents in place.

“We pay all the legitimate dues to the Lagos state, thereby adding value to the economy of the state; so why all the indignities.

“The committee that has been set by the state government to investigate the Alaba tragedy does not have a representative from the Alaba International market. One may then ask, how can you shave a man’s hair in his absence?

“Over one million Igbo young men and women in the AIM are not asking the government for any payment; we are self-employed. All we ask of the Lagos state government is a conducive environment for our businesses and a cordial relationship with both our neighbours and the host communities.”

In addition, Nigerian Voice and Voice of southeast in line with Patriotic Nigerian citizens, has felt disappointed over how the Ìgbo’s traders are treated in Alaba International market Ojo Lagos, things happens to open a hidden evil, the whole world is now seen and hearing how the Ìgbo’s traders and their patronage are been treated like scape-goat in their own country, the word’s of the president of the Alaba International market (AIM), chief Camillus Amajuoyi was not a phoney, but real Verity, judging from the demolition of over 30 structures in-line with goods belonging to Igbo’s traders last June, 17, 2023.

“It is so sad to see and hear such in this jet-age, where wisdom ought to surpass foolhardiness. What is the aim of those responsible in Making lives uncomfortable with a citizen of his or her country, that you share the same pains with. How do we define xenophobia over the complaints made by the President of Alaba International market chief Camillus Amajuoyi, which points that the Igbo’s traders in Alaba International market have been undergoing series of ill-maltreatment from the so called Agboro and the Lagos state government agents, incharge of handling the affairs of Alaba International market.

Does Nigeria Constitution accommodate Agboro in her Constitution (s),the answer has it No. it has come to the juncture of monitoring the illegal activities of the aforementioned by the government authorities, before it becomes too late to control, the way in which the Ìgbo’s traders are been manhandled in Lagos state has drawn a weeping eye to turn attention for consoling, news making round the media’s has it that it is not only Alaba International market that evil are apportion to the Igbo’s traders, it has extended to other localities where the Igbo’s trade, and it shouldn’t be underestimated by anyone who understands what fundamental Human rights is all about.

Lagos State government should stand to protect the indigenes and non indigenes who reside in Lagos state, the method of seeing some people as very important and some unimportant, should be aborted from existence.

The act is barbaric, this act meted against Igbo’s traders in Alaba market, signal’s encroaching, this is a pure violation of fundamental Human rights enforcement.

“Those behind these unacceptable acts, should kindly study fundamental Human rights very well and know what it says, it was not enshrined by the Igbo’s traders, but by the Nigerian law enforcement.

“Fundamental Human rights are the entitlement of persons, they are legally provided by law and cannot be ordinarily denied by any person or government. All persons in Nigeria, including foreigners have fundamental Human rights. Hence, all persons and government at all levels must respect fundamental Human rights of all persons, in Nigeria. This work exposes the fundamental Human rights that are existing in Nigeria and how they can be enforced.

Ever wondered why you Could purchase a carrot, cut it, cook it and even waste it without violating any law? You can also do the same to certain animals and still be free.

The simple reason is that carrots and plants as well as snails and some animals are prohibited from being dealt with and thrashed by any person. However, some species of plants (like, marijuana) and animals (like, elephants and threatened species) are protected by law. The essence of law is to maintain orderliness and peaceful coexistence.

Since human beings are greater than any plant or animal, it is only fair to ensure that no human being is greater than the other or can “cut, cook and even waste” another human being. This is a sure way to maintain orderliness and peaceful coexistence among Human beings.
Relying on this model, that requires every human being to respect and honour other human beings, the fundamental Human rights of Human beings were born.

Hence, fundamental Human rights are packs of rights that are naturally and freely bestowed on persons (both human beings and corporate beings) for being persons. Without fundamental Human rights, human beings and even corporate beings will be treated unfairly like carrots and cattle. Just like cattle, imagine buying and selling human beings, slaving and caging them, forcing them to be born and Milking them, separating them from their families and then killing them for dinners. Who will be left, if human beings are treated like cattle?
It is for this reason that the universe has agreed on certain lists of rights as the basic rights that every human being in any part of the world must enjoy for free.

Fundamental Human rights are the entitlement of persons, they are legally provided by law and cannot be ordinarily denied by any person or government, fundamental Human rights are basic, elementary, mandatory, compulsory and unshakable entitlements of persons, just because the persons are persons. Fundamental Human rights are never purchased rather enjoyed by a person (human being or corporate being).

Countries and nation’s across the world have agreed on the rights to be labelled Fundamental Human rights and to be respected by all human beings. Even regional agreements between countries have been made for Fundamental Human rights to be respected. Also, individual countries across the world have also clearly listed the fundamental Human rights of all human beings in their nations. Nigeria is not left out, the fundamental Human rights of persons in Nigeria, are contained in chapter 4 of the constitution of Nigeria. Also, Nigeria has Signed a regional instrument (document) that ensures that the fundamental Human rights of persons are respected across Africa. The regional law is the African charter on Human and people’s Rights.
The African charter on Human and people’s Rights has expanded the fundamental Human rights provided in the Constitution of Nigeria.

Finally, List of Fundamental Human Rights; The fundamental Human rights contained in the constitution of Nigeria are: the Right to Life, the Right to Dignity of Human Person, the Right to Personal Liberty, the Right to Fair Hearing, the Right to Private and Family Life, the Right to Freedom of Thought, Conscience and Religion, the Right to Freedom of Expression and the Press, the Right to peaceful Assembly and Association, the Right to Freedom from Discrimination and then, the Right to Acquire and Own immovable property anywhere in Nigeria.

These rights should never be violated by any person, including law enforcement agencies or agents in any part of Nigeria.
Consequently, where there is a violation or even a mere attempted violation of a fundamental Human right, the victim and any other person on behalf of the victim, can seek justice against the violator. Where there is a violation of any Fundamental Human rights or a threat to such rights, the court to approach is a State High court or the federal High court. It is easy and fast to get judgement in such cases, because they are urgently treated. Just engage the services of a good lawyer.

The government of Lagos State under the watch of His Excellency Babajide Sanwo-Olu, should as a matter of urgency adhere in finding a lasting solutions to Ìgbo’s traders and other tribes indigenes who trades in Lagos state, who have been rashly manhandled by the so called Agboro and the Lagos state agents incharge of handling the affairs of Alaba International market Ojo Lagos.

Nigerian Voice and Voice of southeast, inline with truthful Nigerian citizens hereby asked that the Lagos state government Should equally treat everyone in Lagos as one, no one should be favoured, irrespective of your religion or tribes, it should be equality in everything and the affected traders should reclaim their lost structures and goods, in order for them to find a means to smile again, the aforementioned groups concluded.


To, His Excellency
Babajide Sanwo-Olu
Governor of Lagos State.

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