Nigerien soldiers shun Bola Tinubu’s coup warning, ‘arrest’ president

Barely more than two weeks after Nigeria’s President and ECOWAS chairperson, Bola Tinubu, thundered against coup plotting in the sub-region, one is simmering in his backyard–Niger Republic.

Tinubu had said to heads of ECOWAS member states: “We will not allow coup after coup in the West African sub-region. We will take this up seriously with the African Union, European, America and Britain; “We will take it up; It is a challenge.”

However, the Nigeriens palace guards seem to be scoffing at Tinubu’s declaration at the moment.

TheCornet learned that presidential guards are currently holding President Mohamed Bazoum inside the presidential palace. The guards have walled off the vicinity with military vehicles.

Regarded as one of the poorest in the world, the West African landlocked country has so far seen five constitutions and three coups.

The series of coups in Niger. The tiny country first witnessed a coup led by Col. Seyni Kountche. He died of brain tumor in 1987, and his chief of staff, Col. Ali Saibou succeeded him. Saibou later became the elected civilian president of the country.

On January 27, 1996 Nigeriens the reality of another coup starred Nigeriens in their faces.

Col.Ibrahim Bare Mainassara led a coup, bringing abruptly to a halt the government of President Ousmane. Maïnassara was later assassinated at Naimey Airport on 9 April 1999 and he was succeeded by Maj. Daouda Malam Wanké.

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