NAS to Malami: It’s shameful to compare spare parts to open cattle grazing

The National Association of Seadogs, NAS, on Sunday in a statement has described the Attorney General of the Federation, AGF and Minister of Justice, Abubakar Malami as “unfit to remain AGF” over his comment which compared selling of spare parts in northern Nigeria to open grazing of cattle in southern Nigeria.

NAF also described the AGF’s comment as irresponsible and shameful.

NAS, also known as Pyrates Confraternity, in the statement signed by its President, Mr Abiola Owoaje said it was disheartening that Mr. Malami, the Chief Law Officer of the country, would make utterances capable of inciting Nigerians against one another, whilst making an incompetent argument on a point of law.

Owoaje, who noted that Amnesty International had reported the killing of over 3,600 Nigerians while thousands displaced from their homes and ancestral land “since 2016 open grazing transmogrified into criminal trespass and premeditated programmes of murderous barbarity” stressed that section 41 of the Nigeria’s Constitution which guarantees freedom of movement “cannot be translated into the unrestrained right to roam and trespass by animals and their herders, or their criminal proxies.”

He said given the prevailing situation in the country people like Malami were not fit to be in the Federal Executive Council, FEC.

According to him, “Section 41 of the Nigerian constitution enshrines the freedom of movement of humans but this cannot be translated into the unrestrained right to roam and trespass by animals and their herders, or their criminal proxies.

“As the Chief Law Officer of the country with such a sectarian mindset, Mr. Malami, with his comments, has exposed himself as one of those frustrating the resolution of the farmers/herders crisis. He appears to be an agent of destabilization, who has no place in the Federal Executive Council.

“His remarks are a disservice to his position as the Attorney-General, and the profession in which he has attained some prominence, and regrettably, an indication that he is no longer fit for the position he presently occupies.

“At a time the unity of this country has been badly shaken; and a period when impunity stalks the land, keeping Mr. Malami as the Attorney-General is a mockery of justice and fairness, and an assault on national cohesion. He should honourably resign his position, or be fired to save the Buhari government from further embarrassment”

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