He said he wanted me
I cried that I hated him
They said I have to go with him

I wept for I was just a kid
They took me out of the playground
He took me into his backyard
He made me to be his house wife
Though I was just a little child

He said he will pay my bride price
I said we’re not in shoprite
They said I have to behave right
As if there was no child right.
I thought there was a Child Act
To protect my human right

I waited for the placards
But they all turned a blind eye
They said it was a custom
I asked about my freedom
They said it was religion
I cried not my decision .
They called it celebration
For me it was damnation
They drank and celebrated
I cracked and hibernated

My parent used me as a bait
Society looked on as I wept
To marry a man that you hate
The worst thing you can ever taste

Life lost its essence
When he abused my innocence
He thought more about his testicles
Than he thought about my happiness

Who’s going to save me
Nobody’s here to hear me
Parent had to sell me
Oh little poor me

His cup was running over
My heart was beating faster
Vengeance was at the corner
Am sixteen  but now a murderer.

I was made a child bride
Should’ve been on a bicycle ride
Am about to pay the price
Cos now I’ve committed a crime

Trial about to start
The lawyers about to rant
Everybody on the wait
They all want to know my fate

The law that couldn’t protect me
Now wants to judge me
The law I thought would save me
Had to wait just to nail me.

About to make me a convict
All the while I’ve been a victim
Judge about to read his dictum
And send me to an early tomb

Threatened with death sentence
As they chunk out the evidence
How can they convict me of the offence
Oh can I plead for self defence

Now I stand in the dock
While they stand and look
They’ve put me out of luck
But they still can’t be locked.
Ultimately it’s not a child’s world
So am not afraid of your law
I was murdered at age sixteen
Can you convict a dead child?

Stellamaris ✍️

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