Kenya is making significant progress in its space exploration program.

    The Kenya Space Agency (KSA) is set to launch two mini-rockets from the Malindi Space Centre in collaboration with the University of Rome in August.


    The Kenya Space Agency (KSA) was established in collaboration with Italy in 1964 to promote and regulate space-related activities in the country.

    In 1970 it launched the first satellite named Uhuru (on behalf of Italy) from southeastern Kenya, which was the world’s first earth-orbiting mission dedicated to celestial X-ray astronomy. In 2018, Kenya deployed its first satellite into orbit called 1KUNS-PF.

    Why it matters

    The two mini rockets are to be launched using high altitude balloons, an improvement of the rockets that were launched in the 1980s and 1990s.

    Kenya holds the title of having the highest number of satellites and rockets to be launched into space from Africa. Between 1967 to 1988, a total of 27 Italian and international satellites were launched from the Kenyan territory. Kenya is looking to retain its reputation as a space powerhouse.

    Satellites launched into space by rockets are used for many activities such as weather forecasting, food security mapping, livestock and wildlife monitoring, as well as disaster management.

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