Israel – Gaza Situation, very mysterious.

(I will like to educate us on the war. It is a long write up but take your time to read.)

Palestine & Israel has always been at war even in the olden time of the Bible. Palestine are the same people the Bible recorded as Philistines.

From my findings; the root cause of their disputes are majorly LAND & RELIGION.

The Bible called the locations or territories occupied by both Palestine & Israel; Cannan or Judea. Both names refers to same territory or region.

According to History, this Land belongs to Palestinians which the original occupants were Cannanites but was Conquered by the people of Israel as their Promised Land when they Exedus from Egypt and they called the land Cannan in the old time.

This LAND is a Holy Land, it is where Jesus was born.

NOW THE MODERN DAY territories of Cannan are called; Israel, West Bank & Gaza. Where West Bank & Gaza people are collectively referred as the Palestinians and are Muslim while Israel are believed to be Christians though 71% practice Judaism, 18% Muslim and just 1.9% as Christians.

In the Map, Israel is between Gaza and West Bank, that is Israel is in the Middle of Palestinian people.

Israel is referred to as the Occupied People of Israel because the Palestinians people believed Israel is illegally occupying their Land since 1967 about 75 years now.

By this occupation, Israel is politically controlling 61% of the West Bank, that’s Israel is ruling the 61% of this Palestinians part of west bank while the people of West bank only control politically 39% admiration for the past 75 years. They felt that Israel is suppressing them by not allowing them to be “FREE”.

Let me also remind us that Bethelhem & Damascus are located in West Bank which is Palestine region. Then the most contentious place – Jerusalem, is at the border of both Israel and West Bank. The people of Israel says; Jerusalem belong to them and made it their capital though not internationally recognized. Also the people of Palestine says; Jerusalem belong to them and also regards it their own capital.

Israel built it’s Worship place in Jerusalem (that’s where christians go to pilgrimage). Also Palestine built Mosque in the same place Jerusalem.

Now do you see why I said earlier the root cause of continuous fight was Land and Religion?

Let me talk about Gaza, I told us it is also part of Palestine. Gaza is a small area but densely populated region. It is the region that is fully governed by the Palestinians unlike the West Bank where Israel govern about 61% of it’s land.

In Gaza, a group called Hamas… It is an Islamist Terror Organization. They are in charge of the political administration in the Gaza Strip.

This group exist for the purpose to fight Israel and regain their Land they claimed Israel is controlling.

Many Arab countries support this Hamas group and fund them militarily to attack Israel from time to time. Few of such countries are Iran, Turkey, Lebanon, Egypt etc even Russia support Hamas group and many others.

The current War is happening in Gaza because the attack on Israeli people came from Gaza from this terrorist Hamas group. Hamas brutally attack Israel on 7th October by surprised which left many Israelis dead within 24hrs.

This incidence angered Israeli President and vow that Hamas START this War but he will FINISH the War. He also said that after this War, the Middle East will never remain the same again.

But the continuous bombardment by Israeli Forces on Gaza is now catastrophic and numbers of civilian casualties are on the increase because what we see on a daily basis are death of babies and children. More than 70% of the total deaths are all children of Palestine. Meaning only less than 30% are adults. Remember Israel has killed almost 3,000 people in both Gaza & West Bank so far…

America in it’s place as a world power is making it very complex issues by its undiluted backing of Israel.

America is the reason why this particular War has been ongoing. It is the only country who openly controlling Israel to continue the War. Saying they are behind Israel and Israel has a right to defend itself. Not just that, America has sent their War Ships at the Mediterranean Sea which they said was a warning for other enemy country not to attack Israel. Biden has also mobilize 2,000 American Soldiers to be on Alert for onwards deployment to Israel border.

War is not good no matter what. The Arab nations are watching. We see the numbers of protests taking place in different parts of the world condemning Israel for killing Palestine people and condemning America for supporting Israel in the act.

I pray that Israel will see reason to end this immediately for the sake of the Children being killed daily before the Arab nations join hands and attack Israel.

Israel is surrounded by Arab countries; Egypt, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Iran, Iraq, etc…. It will be terrible for Israel if World War broke out!!!
Note, none of the Arab nations came out to condemn the Hamas terrorists when they attacked and killed over 1400 Israelites and kidnapped more than 250 including women and children.

Let there be lasting PEACE in the Land of Israel. Amen.

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