Ijaw leaders to FG: Take Niger Delta Avengers threat serious

…Says there was no agreement at meeting

The leadership of the Ijaw National Congress (INC) has warned the Federal Government to take the threat issued by the militant group; Niger Delta Avengers (NDA) serious.

It also declared that there was no agreement with the Federal Government during its recent meeting that would stop agitation from the people of the region.

NDA had over the weekend announced Operation Humble which it said would crippled the economy based over the failure of the Federal Government to address the issue of underdevelopment in the region.

The Presidency in its reaction to the threat by NDA said its latest threat was unnecessary because he had met with the INC leadership and responded to issues raised especially on restructuring and inauguration of the board of the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC).

However the President of the INC, Prof Benjamin Okaba in a swift reaction to the statement by the Presidency which alluded to its recent meeting while replying the threat issue by the Niger Delta Avengers said the delegation did not have a meeting for discussions.

According to him listening to the President after we made our 10 point demands did not mean we accepted what he said.

Okaba in an interview said the reason why the Ijaw leadership went to Abuja was to avert actions such as the one by NDA.

He implored the Federal Government to move swiftly to fulfil its promise made at the Oporoza meeting on the inauguration of the NDDC board, stressing that forensic audit should not be used as an excuse not to inaugurate the board.

“Our position is that: what are the issues, why would Niger Delta Avengers want to bomb oil installations. Is it not the same issue of underdevelopment and the NDDC? There was an agreement at the Oporoza meeting and we believe the federal government should go ahead to fulfil its agreement. That is the only way to avert any problem. We did go there to accept what the federal government told us. We made our demands and he responded. We were not given the opportunity to respond. One of the reasons we went to Abuja was to avert situation like this because we believe by discussing, a lot of issues can be resolved. The issue of forensic audit cannot be the reason why the NDDC board cannot be inaugurated. I think the federal government should listen particularly when you made a minister say do this for the region. The Federal Government should take Avengers threat seriously.”

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