Celestine was born in 1940 in Abor, Udi local government area of Enugu state Nigeria. He was an Igbo highlife musician, born to music loving parents.

His father was a local performer of the ikpa, igede and ode genres of Igbo music, while his mother was a lead singer in women music group. His grandmother was also a folks singer and dancer.

At a young age, with the help of his uncle, he learnt how to play the harmonium.

After his primary education, he went on to Teachers Training College, but would later drop out to pursue a career in music.

He started out with Mike Ejeagha’s group in Enugu in 1962. He later joined Mr. Picolo’s band and toured the Democratic Republic of Congo with the band.

He later returned to form his band “Celestine Ukwu and the Music Royals in 1966 before the civil war broke out.

After the war in 1970, his band emerged with a new name “Celestine Ukwu and the Philosophers.” They distinguished themselves with a cool form of highlife like the Igede Fantasia which was released same year, and is touted to have done well commercially.

Celestine was a good guitarist and his biggest hit seem to be “Money Palaver” released in 1976, while his other track “Ije Enu would become another big hit.

After his untimely death in 1977, the band continued with the name “Celestine Ukwu Memorial Dance Band” for two years, led by vocalist Buzuzu Mogbo.

Ukwu died as a result of motor accident on May 8 1977 at the age of 37 in upper Iweka axis of Onitsha alongside his bossom friend prince Alexander Nwobodo of Amugo, Akpugo. He released a lot of albums during his short career, one of which is another popular one “Ejim nk’oye”.

He is regarded as one of the greatest highlife musicians of all time.

May his soul continue to rest in peace.

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