If we allow them maliciously underprice Airpeace out of the equation, you will go back under the wicked exploitation of those foreign airlines.

It should be clear and simple enough that the pricing by those other airlines is solely aimed around removing airpeace from the equation.

Airpeace is the savior here. They cannot underprice themselves out of profitability or even to stay afloat. They are equally employing Nigerians more than the other hawks even while charging very exploitative fees.

If I was flying that route, there is no way a cheaper rate by another airline will lure me to fly with them knowing that the sole aim of such is to take out the airline that made them temporarily quit their exploitation just to neutralize the savior.

Patronizing Airpeace is not out of sympathy for the airline. You are actually protecting your own interest as a frequent flyer who desires fair pricing and you are giving a deserving reward to the one who came to break exploitation.

You are not doing Airpeace a favour as much as you are doing yourself because if you remove Airpeace from the equation today, those vultures will immediately restore their wicked exploitation.

It is simple common sense really.

_Prof. Ishaku Akyala_


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