Hamas Official says it sought ceasefire, Isreal demanded rocket halt for 2 -3 hrs before deciding

The World has been held at a standstill, as the war between Israel and the Palestine group, Hamas, continues to linger. Since the crisis began, there have been rockets fired, scores have been injured and several deaths have been recorded, especially among the Palestinians. Although Israel seems to be stronger on both sides, involved in the crisis, they have also lost a few of their citizens to her attacks from Haman.

However, news sources have it that Haman opted for a ceasefire, but Israel’s alleged response to their request was that they should halt their rockets for 2 hours before deciding if they would consider their request. News reports from The New York Times gathered that a senior Hamas official, Moussa Abu Marzouk, said that “Israel demanded that Hamas unilaterally hold its fire first for 2-3 hours before Israel decides if it will do the same.”

As the crisis intensifies, more Palestinians are becoming victims, and there has been an outcry from various organizations and institutions around the world, for the stoppage of the Israeli-Haman tussle. Sources gathered that protests and campaigns have been held around the world, clamoring for the crisis to end, at last for the sakes of the children, who may be considered to be more vulnerable in the long run.

Here are pictures from the casualties experienced by people during the crisis

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