~ A cue Towards Historicism And Ultima Magistra Vitae!

    In the first place, Keen observers in Enugu State History under Governor Ugwuanyi, have detected a course of events, a “process” at work which more or less inevitably and in a ‘purposive’ way is leading Enugu State Society towards the goals of a modern twenty first century nation state.

    In other words, the avalanche of moral judgements from notable voices from far and near extolling the governance procedures in Enugu State as “purposive”, because these procedures have metamophosed into a worthwhile contributions towards the process of state formation cum nation building and is thereby generally regarded as “progressive”.

    It is therefore ripe to suffice that Ugwuanyi, through his peculiar methods of processes, have subordinated an absolute and universally accepted moral criterion of good political Leadership which cannot be limited to this particular time. Because it is sufficient as a criterion for a modern nation state.

    In the context of the above submissions, the nature of anything is entirely comprehended in its development. Furthermore, you can only understand something properly if you look at it over the entire period of its development through time.

    Likewise the nature of a seed which cannot be fully appreciated unless you also study it after it has become a tree.

    The obvious point which I wish to make at the moment is the impossibility of erecting an abstract and super historical standard by which historical actions of the Governor can be judged. The attempt to erect such a standard is unhistorical and may contradict the very essence of history.

    However, History is a movement, and movement implies comparison. Which is why historians tend to express their moral judgements in words of a comparative nature, like ‘progressive’ and ‘reactionary’ rather than in uncompromising absolutes like good and bad.

    The current Executive Governor of Enugu state, the Rt Hon Dr Lawrence Ifeanyichukwu Ugwuanyi would be remembered by history for his model ideas of the concept of the universal value system of “Social justice”, this can be defined as his good virtue of giving to each man or woman, society or group their dues. Which he has expressed in practice,in many different ways.

    In almost Six years of Ifeanyichukwu’s stewardship, Enugu State have encountered enormous transformations,in aesthetic outlook, infrastructure, Agriculture, Education, judiciary, Security, Health Sector, Business environment and most importantly opening up new urban centres in Nnsuka, Awgu and Ezeagu by the sitting of landmark institutional edifices which are known socio-economic growth drivers. His administration did the similar in sub- urban areas like Emene and Abakpa by creating bypass road networks which have significantly reduced the ever traffic challenges on and around that axis.

    Ugwuanyi have through his Agricultural policies, introduced a loudable new blue print which is championing the cause of new agricultural revolution in Nigeria through implementation of the Enugu State Agro Productivity, Processing And Livelihood improvement Support Project. Otherwise known as ENS APPEALS- WYEP.

    The above is a globally acclaimed strategy for sustainable and sufficient food production, employment generation, economic empowerment for women and the Youths of the state and thus,a disguised unemployment and poverty eradication tool that will definitely stand the test of time.

    The Enugu State budget estimate theme and tittle for the year 2021 said it all.( Budget of Recovery And Continued Economic Growth). This thematic expression implies the resonances of a philosophical and symbolic disposition for a sustainable viral economic growth.

    The Governor have through his methods restored hope in all the sectors of the Enugu State economy. With a massive organizing ability, wisdom and dexterious administrative skills.

    He has equally entrenched social justice by rescuing the Enugu State masses from the ravages of unproductive Representation, outdated modes of leadership, dictatorship,cabals and the ruling clique. Collapsing political monopolies, cracking unpopular political structural foundations and exposing lip service allegiances.

    Thereby giving way to an acceptable formula for power- sharing, social democracy and co- operation with selfless relevant stakeholders.

    This social justice brought about by Ugwuanyi, which gave all men and women their due, is equally in return, demanding the contributions of each, on the basis of equal considerations. Many genuine observers have seen in the Governor’s mien, a continuous determination to succeed, by creating, expanding and ensuring greater possibilities in the various sectors of the state economy.

    The Governor’s application of Leadership procedures have therefore lifted the focus of all concerned towards professionalism, quality politicking and the options of industrially minded economic development revolutions.

    Onuorah Ndubuisi Godwin is still a bonafide member of the Enugu West General Assembly (EWGA) ably led by Hon Prince Humphrey Umezulike Onyima Njoku.

    The Senior Special Assistant to The Executive Governor of Enugu State on Media and Public Affairs.

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