Do not be deceived, it takes the person of Rt. Hon. Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi to be moving from one bush to another in Enugu searching for criminal hideouts while you and me were busy celebrating 2019 Christmas and 2020 new year at our various communities, just to ensure that Ndi Enugu sleep with their two eyes closed.

    Do not forget, Gov. Ugwuanyi recently defied the rain to enforce the presidential directive on lockdown across the country, to ensure that motorists coming from outside do not enter Enugu, just to preserve you and me from Covid-19 disease.

    Despite the devastating effects of COVID-19 pandemic on the world’s economy with its multiplier consequences on countries like Nigeria that depend on the sales of crude oil in the international market, some states in Nigeria couldn’t afford to pay salaries of workers due to the fall in the oil price which affected their monthly allocations, but in all these Gov. Ugwuanyi pays salaries and allowances of all workers and public servants in the state.

    The above openings for this article is for the sake of posterity and better understanding of what is coming, thereafter.

    And in line with the ongoing conversations in different online tabloids and broadsheets on the performance of Gov. Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi as Governor of Enugu State, a conversation between the optimists and the persimists, a conversation with the cynics and the rabble-rousers, an incisive dialogue bordering on various topical issues.

    Each time I see a fellow Enugu citizen on a desperate attempt to discredit Gov. Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi’s administration by trying to do a comparism between Ugwuanyi’s achievements and that of any of the neighboring states, I see a conscientious ignorant fellow who fails to underscore the peculiarities inherent in the states involved.

    Enugu State is catering for the wellbeing of the entire South Eastern states and beyond. The Enugu city centre is calling for dicongestion, and every sensible leader in Enugu State knows that the ongoing opening up of the rural areas initiative of Gov. Ugwuanyi’s administration is the best way to go in order to check the rates of rural-urban migrants, thereby reducing the pressure on the infrastructures within the city centre.

    Everyone in Enugu State knows that Gov. Ugwuanyi’s investment in the sustenance of peace and political stability is quite exceptional and very uncommon compare to other states in the entire federation.

    Everyone in Enugu State knows that the Ngwo Milliken Hill road, a tourist site on its own, is one of the legacy projects of Gov. Ugwuanyi’s administration, which today enables the inhabitants of Ngwo to come down and do business in the city centre and return back smoothly without bothering themselves with the high cost of living within the metropolis.

    Everyone in Enugu knows the economic importance of the Opi-Nsukka Dual Carriageway, connecting the premier University of Nigeria, Nsukka town with the city centre, which is also one of the legacy projects of Gov. Ugwuanyi’s administration.

    What about the newly constructed Ebonyi River Bridge in Isi-Uzo LGA by Gov. Ugwuanyi’s administration, connecting many adjoining communities in line with the rural development vision of his administration for the socio-economic expansion of the state? To mention but few.

    So, each time I stumbled on such conversation, a conversation embroid with conscientious ignorance and sometimes deliberate foolishness, one tend to dismiss it as one of those persimistic moves in an attempt to score cheap political points by making mountains out of mouldhills.

    Therefore, I choosed to put forward this article with a little background knowledge on Enugu State as an addendum at the backdrop of our ongoing dialogue towards the building of the new Enugu State of our collective dream. Taking into cognizance of the fact that it has become a ritual on the part of the cynics to preface every commentary on my public utterances, especially, regarding the Governor of Enugu State, His Excellency, Rt. Hon. Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi and his administration.

    Enugu is the capital of the Southeastern Nigeria, a conglomeration of multi-dimensional municipalities, conurbation of millions of people from 472 indigenous communities.

    Enugu’s impressive road network stretching from miles and connecting urban areas to rural communities is one of the state’s most impressive legacy which the current administration, led by His Excellency, Rt. Hon. Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi, is leaving no stone unturned towards consolidating on, and further lifting it to a height of incredible encomium.

    Enugu State may have a long way to go in reaching the desirable Promised Land, yes, it would not be easy; that is why we have to set priorities. We have to make positive-hard- choices. Although, government has to play a crucial role in bringing about the reforms we need, more money and more programmes alone will not get us where we need to be. In our collective resolve, we will have to accept responsibilities, imbibe a culture of instilling the ethics of collective achievements and promoting innovations among our youths, adopting a more competitive economy, strengthen our communities and make significant sacrifices.

    So, today, let us begin this long walk to socio-economic freedom together and let us transform our state to the envy of all.

    People who love their land can make a change in order for it to be better for all even in the face of adversity; this is what His Excellency, Rt. Hon. Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi’s led government is doing in Enugu State and he is determined to make things work; he may have his challenges, he may have some delays that could be occasioned by the inevitables but his administration has witnessed a significant victory and, through his will and courage, he has set the state on the path of rendezvous with destiny.

    All of us know what the challenges are today. We have talked about these for years, despite working so hard to overcome them. What is stopping us from meeting these challenges – of course, is not the absence of sound policies and effective plans. What has consistently and constantly stopped us in the past is the lack of political will to embrace and instill the value of inclusive governance which we have today under Gov. Ugwuanyi. That is the reason for the peace and political stability we all enjoy today in Enugu State.

    For instance, the parochial culture of our politics in the past– the ease with which we are often distracted and debased by petty and trivial matters; our preference for scoring cheap political points instead of rolling up our sleeves to build a working alliance in tackling problems, caused many to look away in disillusionment and frustration. We all know the crisis and calamities that befell our state in the past (yes, when the cynics, the lobbyists, extremists and other special interests turned our state into a game only them can afford to play). Back then, they wrote pay-notes and we were stuck with the bills; they had the connections and we could only watch from down there, they thought and acted as if they own the state alone, though, it belong to all of us.

    Today, the courageous Gov. Ugwuanyi with the help of the good people of Enugu State has taken the state back to the people.

    The time for old-fashioned politics is over. It is time to turn a new page to the future. And ‘Gburugburu’ is the future, a movement of the people, by the people and for the people.

    Gov. Ugwuanyi’s good governance agenda has made some progress already, great ones for that matter. I am proud to be part of the crusade in the court of public opinion that led to the most sweeping ethical reforms in the new order of politics without bitterness in the state led by the governor.

    As it is today in Enugu State, 2020 is a good starting point. Let us be the generation that reshaped our state’s economy to compete in the digital age. Let us set high standards for our prospective leaders and give them the needed support to succeed. Let us recruit a new army of volunteers-workforce and avail them a better motivation. Let us make the processes relating to the call to serve more affordable to avoid proliferation of commercial mandates.

    Let us be the generation that ends poverty in Nigeria, beginning with Enugu State. Let us be the generation that ensures that our workforce is sharing in our prosperity. Let us make it possible for hardworking ‘Ndi Enugu’ to save for retirement. Let us be the generation that finally frees our people from the tyranny of ignorance, poverty and illiteracy. Let us tackle our healthcare crisis with more humanitarian interventions, not frivolous protest. We can control costs by focusing on prevention. Politics doesn’t have to divide us on it. We can work together to keep our state safe.

    Too many times, after manifestos and elections, all those promises fade away, the lobbyists and the special interests move in, while the people that actually suffered were relegated, turned down, disappointed and left to their fate in the struggle for survival.

    But, we all know today – that the second tenure of Gov. Ugwuanyi is the occasion, the vehicle to our hopes and dreams come through. It will take our time, energy and advice to push him forward when he is right and to let him know when and where to apply the brakes.

    Gov. Ugwuanyi’s second tenure is about reclaiming the true meaning of stewardship and nation-building. We know his government will centre on restoring our sense of common purpose and realise that few obstacles can withstand the power of the voices calling for rebirth. But surely, the light shall be at the end of the tunnel in confirmation of the fact that what binds us together is greater than what divides us apart.

    These are the reasons for the second coming of Ugwuanyi as governor of Enugu State; not just to hold office, but to work with us to transform our state.

    Gov. Ugwuanyi won the 2019 guber election in Enugu State with a far, greater margin and winning a bigger victory for justice and opportunity, better schools, better job opportunities and better healthcare services for our people.

    We support him to take up the unfinished business of perfecting our unity and restoring our peace.

    At every particular intervals in history, a generation rises up to do what is right in order to rescue society from the ravages of the enemies of its freedom, peace and prosperity. Today, we are called upon and it is time for our generation to answer that call, we can’t afford to turn down such a clarion call. I know I may not have spent a lot of time learning the ways of Enugu politics, but I have learnt and realised that Enugu socio-political philosophy needs some adjustment for us to forge ahead as a people.

    If you will join me in this unequivocal demand and quest, if you feel destiny calling and sees what I see – a future of endless possibility and uncommon transformation stretching before us, if you sense what I sensed, that the time is now to wake up from our self-created comfort zones, shake off your slumber, challenge your fears and make good on the debt we owe past and future generations, then Gov. Ugwuanyi is ready to take up the course, march with us and work with us.

    Together, let’s start today, finish the task at hand and usher in freedom, peace and justice in the new Enugu State of our collective dream.

    Gov. Ugwuanyi’s Second Tenure, Together, we Shall Make It.

    Hon. Prince Humphrey Onyima is the Senior Special Assistant to the Governor of Enugu State on Media and Public Affairs, Director, Enugu West General Assembly, EWGA.

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