On May 29, 2015 history was made not only in Enugu State but also in Nigeria when the Governor-elect, Rt. Hon. Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi, took his oath of office in the glare of millions of Ndi-Enugu who would not stop cheering and clapping in jubilation at the Michael Okpara Square, Independence Layout, Enugu. Never in the history of Enugu State has a candidate been so awesomely welcomed and voted en masse, not only by the loyalists of the Peoples Democratic Party but also by members of other political parties. His candidacy cuts across the political cleavage and ideologies.

    Standing before the people, with uncommon humility, dedication and meekness, His Excellency, Rt. Hon. Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi, the Gburugburu of Enugu State, gave his words and promised to take the state to the Promised-Land. He did not stop there; he committed the state into the Hands of the Almighty God – the God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob and awesome God of David. That very day, the covenant was sealed with the God of Enugu State. No wonder, many have described him as the “Joshua of our time” who is to make Enugu State great again.

    Governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi immediately swung into action. He did not disappoint the people of Enugu State on his promises. While other states were still gasping for breath, Gburugburu`s 100 days in office was a celebration galore. It was a celebration of democracy, good governance, road infrastructure, health care system, business empowerment across the state through Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), small & medium entrepreneurial empowerment, massive employment and job creations; and promotion in the Civil Service.

    In fact, Governor Ugwuanyi systematize governance and laid the foundation for institutional developments in the state. Of special importance is his Rural-urbanization Policy across Enugu State as his focal point of development aimed at massive development of the rural communities and carrying out an intensive urban renewal programme. Additionally, his effort at liaising with the security sector to make the state the most peaceful, friendly and stable state has been quite commendable.

    It is on the strength of the above backdrop that we take a critical look at the journey so far.
    1. Road Network Infrastructure: when Governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi assumed office on May 29, 2015, the state had little or no good roads network as many of the existing roads were either in a bad state or worn-out. The Governor immediately took the bull by the horn by awarding hundreds of roads rehabilitation contracts to reputable and competent contractors. Works started timeously, day and night. It is amazing to learn that all the communities in Enugu State are beneficiaries of his good governance. This is despite the economic recession which hit Nigeria in mid-2015.

    Some of the roads constructed include the following:
    Dualization of Opi/Nsukka Road; Isiuzo Street Independence Layout, Enugu; Benmose Street, Enugu; Abakpa/Nike Road; Udenu Ring Road, Amankwo-Ameke-Ama Breweries; Oduma/Nenwe Road, etc. Many other rehabilitated roads abound.

    These roads networks have stimulated agro-industrial development in the state, and have also eased ways of doing business across different communities in the state. This has never happened in the history of the state.

    2. Health Sector: concerned by the dilapidated health care system in the state and as a way of making sure that Ndi-Enugu have their fair share of the country`s democratic dividends, His Excellency, Rt. Hon. Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi, took the pains to visit most of the hospitals and clinics in the state in order to assess their true state or conditions. Having done that, he immediately made a timeous follow-up by approving the renovation, extension and construction of existing and new clinics respectively. He subsequently released funds for equipping these clinics with ultra-modern equipment. To further reinforce his conviction that no effort should be spared in fixing the health sector, the governor ordered for the immediate recruitments and training of health workers to meet the needs of the people of the state.

    Today, Ndi-Enugu are not only enjoying virtually free health-care treatment, they also have unfettered access to any government owned or government affiliated clinics. All this is because, His Excellency, Rt. Hon. Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi made it possible.

    3. Recruitment and Promotion in the Civil Service.

    As a way of fulfilling his promises to the people of the state; His Excellency, Rt. Hon. Lawrence Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi, has drastically reduced the rate of unemployment to the barest minimum in the state through his policy of massive employment. He has engaged hundreds of thousands of graduate across the state who would, ordinarily, be idling away as a result of unemployment.

    The recent recruitment of thousands of teachers across the 17 local government areas of the state remains fresh in the memory. This came at a time many states of the federation were retrenching massively due to the country’s harsh economic reality, which had culminated in a recession. For Governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi, the people’s welfare remains a priority. That determination led to collaboration with many private and public international organizations in order to engage our teeming youths. Today, the songs the people are singing are that of hope and joy.

    His Excellency did not just stop there, he also gave a directive for the promotion of workers elevation was due for many years. This came as a surprise to many who had already lost hope of ever being promoted. So, the decision by over 25,000 teachers to come out en masee across the state to appreciate His Excellency was not a surprise as the Governor has not only paid his dues by reciprocating Ndi-Enugu gestures at the polls with good governance, but has also performed beyond expectation.

    (4) Workers’ Welfare and Salary: suffice it to say that one of the things that has kept many in awe about Governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi‘s personality was his shrewd and pragmatic management of the resources accruable to the state. Many have summarized this mystery thus: “Gburugburu has a magic wand with which he works”.

    Indeed, the continued payment of staff salaries without failure is further testament to his commitment to improving the people’s wellbeing. Isn’t it amazing that when most of the states of the federation owe their workers almost 12 months’ salary, Governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi has been paying salaries, no later than the 23rd of every month. This he has maintained over the past years while also promising to do more.

    That commitment reflects also in the construction of low-cost housing estates at hugely subsidized rates for workers and staff. In 2016, His Excellency personally handed over keys of such apartments at Elim Estate to junior civil servants selected via a transparent raffle held at the Michael Okpara Square, Enugu. While handing over the keys, he pointedly emphasized that more estates would be built for workers both in the city and in rural communities. It is good news that many members of staff are now proud owners of houses and property as landlords and landladies.

    Today, it is on record that many of the promised estates have been erected while some are at the verge of completion. Although not limited to the following, some of these include: Elims Estate; Heritage Estate; Heliu Estate; WTC Estate.These were made possible by Governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi, the People’s General.

    (5) Security: The dictum that no society makes any meaningful development in times of crisis is indisputable. Bearing the above in mind, and also determined to make Enugu State the commercial hub of the South-East, His Excellency took acted swiftly on the security situation in the state when he came in. Besides visiting every community in the state and suing for peace and love amongst every member of the state, His Excellency sent a very strong warning to criminally minded individuals, kidnappers and trouble makers to stay away from Enugu state as his administration would not tolerate any breach of security in the state.
    This warning was followed up by His Excellency through the funding and mobilization of the security agencies in the state. To match action with words, His Excellency, Rt. Hon. Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi, donated a good number of appropriately equipped security Hilux vehicles to the police, civil defense corps, the military and also provided the logistics for air surveillance.

    To complement the above, he took a drastic step to reinforce the existing Neighborhood Watch across the rural communities in the state. Today, Enugu has been rated as the most business and evo-friendly State in the country. It has also been adjudged the most peaceful and secure state. Indeed
    Enugu State is in the Hands of God.

    Rt .Hon. Kizito Awalu, fcia
    Special Assistant to the Governor of Enugu State on Public Enlightenment.

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