Global powers still have an opportunity to engage Iran in a “New Nuclear Deal,” but time is running out.

“According to Resolution 2031, the UN Security Council will close Iran’s nuclear case by October 2025. Before that time, Europe could utilize the snapback mechanism to reimpose all UN Security Council resolutions against Iran. Iran’s most likely response, however, would be a complete withdrawal from the JCPOA and suspension of its membership in the Non-Proliferation Treaty as a non-nuclear-weapon state. If, in such a situation, Israel and/or the United States were to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities, Iran could respond with nuclear weaponization. The standoff between Iran and the global powers would come to resemble the situation with North Korea.

The United States and the EU therefore have a 15-month window to choose between two options: Iran as a nuclear-armed state like North Korea, or Iran as a nuclear threshold state as Japan.”

Read the new article by Ambassador (Ret.) Seyed Hossein Mousavian, Middle East security and nuclear policy specialist at Princeton University and former spokesman for Iran’s nuclear negotiators.

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