It is the civic duty of every good citizen of any given Society to always stand by the government, especially at a time like this.

The Executive Governor of Enugu State, the Rt. Hon. Dr. Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi have since the inception of his purposeful administration remained altruistic in the discharge of his official duties.

May it please those bandying falsehood with the normenclature of PR24 to note that here in Enugu State, Governor Ugwuanyi’s subjects are no longer interested in judging his leadership performances on the basis of usual parameters. This is because they appear not bothered by your inadequate damage antics channels, your poor comparative assessment modus operandi, disused nature of inter-state assessment parameters, your deficient nature as well as outdated methods of appraisal, obviously beclouded by subterfuge, wretched sense and idea of judgment on such critical issues of national importance.

It remains a mysterious wonder why those not on a holiday in Nigeria would deliberately choose to under report the genuine sacrifices and efforts put in place by a globally acclaimed peace loving Governor of Enugu State.

*In the recent Global Assessment Index, Enugu State emerged the second best safe place out of the 36 states in Nigeria on the World Bank’s ranking on the ease of doing business.*

To say the least, the postulation of the armorphous group that called itself PR24 is purely like imagining the impossible; Governor Ugwuanyi’s stint on the saddle of leadership is not without events which have sufficiently disproved your unfounded submissions. In fact, its possibilities does not synchronize with the full symphony of normal possibilities.

The six years of GOVERNOR IFEANYI UGWUANYI’S stewardship gasped for time and space to sulk in the multitude of events that occured within those number of months that made up each year which culminated into the six years so far involved in his tenure.

For the records, Governor Ugwuanyi is the first and only Governor in the history of Southern Nigeria who matched alongside the security agents into the forests and destroyed criminal hideouts in Enugu State, when the cases of kidnapping was rampant across the length and breadth of the country in the year 2019.

This unwanted attack, by the baseless PR24 suffices that there could be some misguided individuals with sinister motives who have actually debased politics by assuming that political office is a private benefit for which the occupant ought to be cajoled and vilified.

Where were the faceless PR24 when the marauding Fulani herdsmen went on rampage before our very eyes? Here in Enugu State, killing, raping our women and destroying farmlands in their wake, forcing our indigenous people to abandon their farms, causing acute food shortage on the process.

It is on record that Governor Ugwuanyi swiftly responded when he increased the number of the men of the Neighborhood watch Group by additional three thousand four hundred (3400) Men. He created the Forest Guards when he sought ratification from the state Assembly to effect the recruitment of able bodied vibrant Young Men of over 2200, to police the various forests across the seventeen local government areas of Enugu State, to complement the efforts of the conventional security agents namely: the Army, Air force, the NSCDC, The police etc. The Governor procured over 500 hundred innoson brand of security patrol vehicles with assorted gadgets for security agents to enhance their various performances.

These surgical and pinpoint interventions attracted remarkable ratings from notable global organizations such as the World Bank group who in their own assessment of the security situation in Enugu State vis -a- vis other states within Nigeria, rated Enugu State Under Governor Ugwuanyi as the Second most advanced State in Nigeria on the ease of doing Business and third on the ease of starting Business.

Does businesses thrive in the absence of Security? The answer is a capital No!

Recall that Emiliano Zapata, 8th August 1879 to 10th April 1919. Posited “If there’s no justice for the people, then there will be no peace for the Government.”

Suffice to say that if there was ever any security challenge in Enugu State, the massive tourist visitors in Enugu State almost on daily basis as we have so far witnessed would be completely absent.

All the highways within and around Enugu State was cool and calm! And so, how does the faceless PR24 arrive at their own parameters for the assessment of Enugu State Government’s security scorecard?

Their submissions on the security performance of Enugu State should be disregarded by all right thinking Business inclined individuals and the general public as it’s not only baseless, hasty and unfounded. It is nothing but a fruitlessly conceived diatribes calculated by mischief mongers to smear modest achievements of Enugu State Governmt ably led by the Gburus of Africa.

For the information of the said confusionist PR24, the above World Bank ratings is a hundred percent direct product of a peaceful, secure business atmosphere and proven commitment of a dedicated leadership piloted by Governor Ugwuanyi.

Again, if the propagandist PR24 and their agents are not patients of logorhea, they must have been aware of the rating of Enugu State economy by the prestigious Economic Confidential in its annual state’s viability index Study of 2019, released on the 26th of July 2020. The group listed Enugu State among the Six(6) economically viable States in Nigeria that survive without federal allocations.

Now, to the faceless PR24, does any economy anywhere in the world flourish without adequate Security?

The answer is capital No.

One wonders what the verdict of the PR24 group would be on the Security situations in volatile areas in the other states!

Even as the base of the said PR24 is not clear enough to be taken seriously as the name suggested, their disposition portrayed them as having a penchance for falsehood, blackmail and mischief making.

These propagandist PR24 should also be aware that Governor Ugwuanyi’s administration have taken a countless number of Youths of Enugu State from off the streets and have them gainfully employed, and countless others he has created Agricultural empowerment programs like the FADAMA 1, II, & III, CADP, WYEP, THE APPEALS and other interventionist economic tools which they have used the avenue to be self-sufficient.

Finally, the Executive Governor of Enugu State has never elected less than honorable means to handle the prevailing security challenges in Enugu State. Only a biased group or individuals with sinister motives will deny him the due credit.

However, the economic ratings from those notable global voices already serves as sufficient plaudits for the Workaholic Governor.

The progenitors of PR24, should kindly look elsewhere with their failed on arrival blackmail.

Enugu State is safe.

Enugu State is peaceful.

Enugu State is truly in the hands of God!


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