According to william shakespeare’s Tragedy of Hamlet, the prince of Denmark; “though this is madness, there’s a pattern to it”

    Within the shortest interval in this new year 2021, Enugu West Senatorial Zone is beset with mini and mega deaths of political moguls, the political industry have been consistently Confronted by a crisis of conscience.

    This is a harvest of deaths, mostly of political players in Enugu West and it puts these crisis into perspective. Although, justice Innocent Umezulike,an erudite scholar and judge have been counted from Awgu Local Government, Enugu West much earlier.

    Another one is the heart rending demise of a serving commissioner in the Enugu State Executive council, the Honourable commissioner for transport, Rt Hon Chief Mathias Ekweremmadu who hails from Aninri local Government in Enugu West. Further on the list is the pioneer chairman of the people’s Democratic Party (the PDP) and Chairman Aninri local Government Traditional Rulers Council,in the person of His Royal Majesty chief Dr Godwin Onyioha Nwanjoku all within the space of the final days of the month of February 2021.

    If the metaphor of the accountants is to be borrowed here, it will be to undertake an audit of events from the previous year to the new young year. To attempt whether to decide if it would be a year of full-throated smiles for those with vested interests in the Enugu State 2023 Governorship question, against the popular opinion in favour of the triangular power rotation and sharing formula already entrenched in Enugu State and who have severally hit their chest saying that, “agbalu aka na zo Ani; onye ji- ji, ana ko nye ji na Ani!”

    Or should we assume the year a one of heart-wrenching tears for those who truly believe and stood their ground in complete and total support for the popular zoning formula for it’s inherent peace and ancillary benefits of security of Ndi-Enugu’s hard earned democracy since 1999.

    This audit refered to in the context of this narrative Sense should in practice be undertaken with a determination, devotion and steadfastness matching religious fervour. This is because, the retrospecting quite often lacks, almost as a rule, the cold detachment and scientific incisiveness of routine Historical chronicling.

    It is indeed both less and more than this!

    It is less because,as a matter of reflectively observed events,it bears the burden of the wear and tear of time as it equally smacks of colourations of spiritual projections laced with desperation in order to encumber the triumph of the mantra of voice popli, voice dei!

    But again, this audit should be a specie of spiritual scanning which makes no pretentions to the often material and mundane bases of Historical recording.This is because the collective sensibility and the communal conscience of the people is also involved in recalling and interpreting some of these things.

    There is thus a certain spontaneity of spiritual responses and unanimity of verdicts on this trend of phenomena,persons and events of the passing year which pure history can hope to attain.

    The suspense introduced in the political ambience of Enugu state by this string of deaths involving top opinion leaders whose open action and good disposition towards the sustainance of our hard earned peace, security and economic prosperity, have posted out ominous and dangerous signals.

    Consequently, the Enugu State Political climatic build up is gradually brewing a mutually incomprehensible mutterings, swearings and threats that may have been issued or would be issued from the pro- and anti rotation of power, otherwise known as the Zoning Formula!

    Could this successive string of deaths be viewed in the lenses of a scientific coup d’etat!

    Just a Soliloquy!

    Onuorah Ndubuisi Godwin is writing from the Den Of The ENUGU WEST GENERAL ASSEMBLY.

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