Enugu South Urban Constituency: Dr. Mrs. Elizabeth Agwu, A Sterling Example Of Integrity In Public Service And Hope For Nigeria – Johnpaul Anih

Dr. Mrs. Queen Elizabeth Agwu, the INEC Resident Electoral Commissioner for Anambra State, who was sent to conduct the court-ordered supplementary election in Enugu South Urban Constituency is integrity personified and a dimer of hope for Nigeria.

A woman who stood firm and insisted that the right thing shall be done, despite pressure from some PDP bigwigs to include former governor of the old Anambra state, Jim Nwobodo, who came to the polling units persuading the REC to cancel the rescheduled rerun election after PDP thugs had chased out electorates.

One wonders what Jim Nwobodo, a former governor, a former minister and a former senator was doing at Uwani Secondary School, venue of the election.

Jim Nwobodo even at his age standing under the scorching sun doing what exactly at the venue of a House of Assembly rerun election?

It was reported that all he wanted was for the governor to pick his calls.

But Dr. Mrs. Queen Elizabeth Agwu, an incorruptible INEC REC shone like a beacon, illuminating the path of truth and justice.

All plans to confuse, persuade and lure the REC to do the wrong thing, came to nothing.

In her words to Jim Nwobodo, journalists, security agencies, party agents and other stakeholders, Mrs. Agwu said “This result can be challenged to any level. I bet my life on it. It is the original one which you saw yesterday”.

She refuse to give in to financial inducements, pressure and even threat to her life. She was unwavering in her commitment to free, fair and credible election that will reflect the wish of the electorates.

Her blunt refusal to capitulate to corruption, safeguarded the sanctity of the election and directly contributed to the failure of PDP in hijacking the process.
If she had compromised, the story would have been over by now. Just like the Enugu governorship election where Prof. Maduebisi Iwe said he was under authority to announce the results.

Dr. Mrs. Agwu’s bravery is that of the legendary figures of history, who stood against the tide.

An academic of repute who transcended the ivory towers to ethical standard whose exemplary and inspiring roles will continue to inspire myself and future generations yet unborn.

For upholding her integrity and being a role model to young women, I hail Dr. Mrs. Queen Elizabeth Agwu.

I commend her boldness and never-die spirit even in the face of a dark cloud. She stood for what she believed in which is DUE PROCESS.

In a society where strong voices are silenced and easily compromised, her voice rang out loud and clear, laying the groundwork for an outcome that truly reflected the will of the majority of Ndi Enugu South.

No doubt Mrs. Awgu faced adversity, but she emerged victorious with her principles intact.

Wherever she is, she should just know that Ndigbo are proud of her for this singular act of integrity, courage and incorruptibility.

She have my respect.

Back to the results of the election. What is at stake is about 4,200 registered voters, some of whom did not collect their permanent voter cards. When you consider the fact that PDP had brought so much tension, there will be no more than 1,000 voters that will turn out to vote, even if you conduct the election 20 times.

You can now understand PDP’s frustration. Last option is to write the results somewhere, overbloat the figures and announce their candidate winner of the polls.

The INEC REC, Mrs. Elizabeth Agwu’s involvement in the election followed series of protests that marred the first by-election over the sudden disappearance of the result sheets by the INEC Resident Electoral Commissioner in Enugu, Mr. Chukwuemeka Chukwu.

Before the court-ordered rerun election, the Labour Party house of assembly candidate, Barr. Bright Ngene was leading his PDP counterpart with over 3,700 votes.

I trust that the federal government will not continue mobilising tax payers resources just to conduct a rescheduled House of Assembly rerun election.

Since PDP and her co-travellers do not want the election to hold peacefully, let the commission declare candidate with the highest number of votes, the winner.

We need more people like Dr. Mrs. Queen Elizabeth Agwu.
I therefore call on the commission to protect her at all cost. She deserves an award for putting her life in the line for the sake of democracy.

Johnpaul Anih,
A journalist, an Education Administrator and a Public Affairs Analyst.

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