Gov. Ugwuanyi with School Children in Enugu

    Enugu’s place in the nation’s education ranking is not one which any right-thinking state administration would love to toy with. Over the years, this position has made her an envy of not a few.

    In the light of that, LEADERSHIP Scorecard takes a look into the activities of the Enugu State Universal Basic Education Board (ESUBEB) over the last three years and how much it has lived up to the high standards with which the state has been known to approach issues relating to education.

    The Enugu State Universal Basic Education Board [the body saddled] with the sole responsibility of ensuring that all children of school age in the state are enrolled and fully participating in well resourced schools with quality teaching and learning outcome has six departments and three units to help achieve the set goals.

    The Departments include Human Resource Management and Development, Finance and Accounts, Planning, Research and Statistics, Quality Assurance, School Services and Social Mobilization. The units are Public Relations, Legal and Audit Units respectively.

    The department and units in their various capacities are striving hard to improve and reposition ESUBEB to an enviable height amongst its counterpart in the country because education is the stronghold in the development of any nation.


    Policy environment of ESUBEB has different components which include:

    1. Provision of child-friendly school environment, qualified personnel and facilities to meet the learning needs of all children
    2. Parents and community participation in the governance and management of schools
    • Provide and improve infrastructure for public, primary schools and junior secondary schools
    1. Inclusive education
    2. Enrolment, retention and transition of children to higher levels of education
    3. Promotion of adaptable curriculum to meet learning needs of children
    • Safe school environment
    • Making teaching interesting and recognizing the abilities and needs of all learners


    Interventions by Social Mobilization Department

    S/N Interventions Achievements Recorded
    1 Training of Members of School Based Management Committee (SBMC) in additional 100 schools in the 16 LGEAs across the state.

    ¾Step down of Training of Trainers (TOT 1 and TOT2) to SBMCs in clusters.

    ¾Review meetings with SBMCs in 100 schools in the 16 LGEA of the state.

    ¾Monitoring and mentoring visits to 100 schools

    ¾800 SBMC members were trained in 100 schools in the state.

    ¾Inculcation of the roles and responsibilities of SBMC achieved

    ¾There are functional SBMCs in 100 schools in the state for 2015. Generally, added to the previous achievements, there are functional SBMCs in 596 schools in the state.



    Interventions by Quality Assurance Department

    S/N Interventions Achievements Recorded
    1 On the spot check of 78 schools on resumption of schools 78 schools covered
    2 Comprehensive supervision of 100 selected schools in the LGAs 61 schools covered
    3 Training of 34 Quality Assurance Evaluators from LGAs 34  Quality Assurance Evaluators trained
    4 Training of 70 Head Teachers in Aninri LGA¾ Monitoring and Mentoring of 70 Head teachers in Aninri LGA 70 Head Teachers trained
    5 External Evaluation of 90 Schools in Enugu North and South LGAs 90 schools externally evaluated
    6 Investigation of schools with complaints 8 schools investigated out of 8
    7 Training on School Self-Evaluation (SSE) for 46 Head Teachers Igboeze South 46 Head teachers trained on SSE


    Interventions by School Services Department

    S/N Interventions Achievements Recorded
    1 Training on School Improvement Programme (SIP) Number of trained stakeholders:

    ¾34 SSITs

    ¾199 SSOs

    ¾1223 Head Teachers

    ¾4265 Class Teachers


    ¾Review meetings/cluster meetings with Education Secretaries, School Support Officers (SSOs), State School Improvement Team (SSIT)

    ¾School-based training/support visits to schools

    ¾Deeping support enhancement

    ¾Effective classroom practices for SSITs,  SSOs, Head Teachers (HTs) and Class Teachers (CTs)

    ¾Leadership 3 and 6 for SSITs, SSOs, HTs

    ¾Jolly Phonics training for head teachers

    ¾Materials use demonstration for SSITs, SSOs, HTs and CTs.

    2 Strengthening Mathematics and Science Education (SMASE) Local Training [Cycle 1 Local Training for the 17 LGAs)

    ¾The output target for this activity was to train 862 teachers.

    ¾ 849 teachers are now SMASE compliant.

    ¾Teachers can now initiate the ASEI/POSI plan and deliver lessons competently.

    3 Science Fair

    ENSUBEB collaborated with a private organization, ‘Community Innovation Centre’ to organize a science fair for pupils in primary schools and students in Junior Secondary schools.

    ¾The science fair was aimed at practically equipping the children with scientific methods which will help in the pupils and students creativity.

    ¾20 primary schools participated

    ¾10 Junior secondary schools participated


    4 National Literacy Competition organized by Ovie Brume Foundation, a branch of Lafarge Holcen

    The school service department was responsible for leading the two selected pupils of the state to:

    ¾The regional level: comprising of the South Eastern States

    ¾The national level:  comprising of the six Geopolitical Zone

    The competition helped to:

    ¾Encourage teachers on the need for preparing the pupils

    ¾To improve the literacy level of pupils in the state

    ¾To encourage reading culture amongst pupils in the state

    ¾To boost performance of the pupils in public events

    ¾Regional Competition: 1st Position


    ¾National Competition: 4th Position


    Interventions by Planning, Research and Statistics (PRS)

    S/N Intervention Achievements Recorded
    1 Training on Monitoring and Evaluation for LGEA staff ¾Stakeholders from 16 LGAs participated

    ¾Materials shared to support implementation of taught principles/concepts

    ¾About 50 participants M & E compliant across 16 LGAs


    ¾Monitoring and Evaluation concept

    Linking Quality Assurance to ¾Monitoring and Evaluation

    ¾Using the Unit Work Plan (UWP) and Quarterly Monitoring Report

    ¾Preparing the Annual Performance Review Report (APRR)


    2015 Project Implementation Progress Data

    S/N Type of Project Number of projects 100% (Completed Projects)
    1 New Construction of Blocks of Classrooms 82 51
    2 Renovation of Blocks of Classrooms 238 133
    3 Construction of 4-Room Water Closet Toilet 132 77
    Total 452 452



    1 Procurement of 15,000 School Registers/ Diaries each 18,000 School Registers/Diaries each 15,000 School Registers/Diaries each supplied
    2 Procurement  and distribution of 12,000  cartons of chalk 18,000 cartons 12,000 cartons supplied
    3 Procurement of 32 Executive tables,

    46 swivel chairs, 34 Visitors

    Chairs, 23 Filing Cabinets and

    20 Three Seater chairs for


    32 Executive tables,

    46 swivel chairs, 34 Visitors

    Chairs, 23 Filing Cabinets and

    20 Three Seater chairs for


    32 Executive tables,

    46 swivel chairs, 34 Visitors

    Chairs, 23 Filing Cabinets and

    20 Three Seater chairs for

    Offices supplied

    4 Recruitment of teachers 3,000 2,000
    5 Procurement and distribution

    of 1000 First Aid Boxes

    1225 First Aid Boxes 1000 First Aid Boxes supplied
    6 Procurement of Sporting

    Equipment to primary


     1225 various



    39 various sporting equipment


    7 Procured and distributed  12,480 plastic lockers and chairs; and 286 teachers table, 286 arm and 286 armless chairs to benefitting schools in 17 LGAs 15,000 Plastic Locker/Chairs, 350 teacher tables/chairs 12,480 Plastic Locker/Chairs, 286 teacher tables/chairssupplied
    8 Procure instructional materials ie (Perkins Braille Machine, DVD Set, Map of Nigeria, Wall Chat laminated, Braille Papers, Ropes /Bears and Bundles of Cane) for Special Education Schools in Enugu, Oji River and Nsukka
    9 Procurement of 4 no 48” TV, 2no Generator, 10 no Spraying Machine and MPS Recorder for Special Education Schools in Enugu, Oji River and Nsukka


    4 no 48” TV, 2no Generator, 10 no Spraying Machine and MPS Recorder for Special Education Schools 4 no 48” TV, 2no Generator, 10 no Spraying Machine and MPS Recorder for Special Education Schools supplied
    10 Procurement of 28 no Teachers Tables and Chairs each for Special Education Schools in Enugu, Oji River and Nsukka 28 no Teachers Tables and Chairs each for Special Education Schools 28 no Teachers Tables and Chairs each for Special Education Schools supplied
    11 Joint monitoring/ verification of Special Education fund distributed to private providers in the State Achieve 100% coverage of Joint Monitoring Achieved 100% coverage of Joint Monitoring of Special Schools


    Capacity Development workshop/ interactive forum for members of Nomadic Education on School Based Management Committee (SBMC) on effective implementation of Nomadic Education Programme. Achieve 100% Capacity Development workshop/interactive meeting with SBMC Achieved 70% Capacity Development workshop/interactive meeting with SBMC
    13 Conduct a monitoring exercise of Nomadic Schools in the State Achieve 100% monitoring of Nomadic Schools Achieved 100% monitoring of Nomadic Schools
    14 Monitor and Evaluate 2009 – 2013 2nd quarter UBEC/ENSUBEB matching grant Project Monitor and evaluate 2009 – 2013 UBEC/ENSUBEB Projects Monitored and evaluated 2009 – 2013 UBEC/ENSUBEB Projects


    Organize a training workshop for

    31 SSIT, 166 SSO, 1153 Head teachers

    and 4760 primary 4 and 5 classroom

    Teachers on literacy and numeracy


    100% training and re- training of Head teachers and teachers on literacy and numeracy Trained 31 SSIT, 166 SSO, 1153 Head teachers and 4760 teachers on literacy and numeracy
    16 Support and monitor three

    structured school based training/

    visit to public primary schools in the

    State by State School improvement

    team (31) and School Support

    officers (166)

    Structured school base training of teachers by SSIT and SSO Supported and monitored

    three structured school

    based training/visit to

    public primary schools in

    the State by State School improvement team (31)

    and School Support officers (166)

    17 Conduct continuous professional

    development training workshop for

    450 Head teachers

    Training of Head teachers Conducted continuous

    professional development training workshop for 450 Head


    18 Organize training workshop for 200

    Primary two teachers on Jolly Phonics



    Training of Primary two teachers on Jolly Phonic Trained 200 Primary two  teachers on Jolly Phonics
    19 Organize and implement leadership

    6 training workshop for 31 SSIT, 166

    SSOs and 727 Head teachers

    Leadership 6 training workshop for 31 SSIT

    166 SSOs and 727

    Head teachers

    trained workshop for 31 SSIT

    166 SSOs and 727

    Head teachers

    20 Organize and train 200 ECCDE

    two teachers on the use of ECCDE

    manual and improvisation of

    instructional materials for teaching

    and learning

    Train ECCDE teachers in 17 LGAs Trained 200 ECCDE two teachers on the use of ECCDE manual and improvisation of instructional material for teaching/learning
    21 Organize State SMASE –

    INSET Workshop for 200 Core


    Train 200 core teachers on  SMASE – INSET Trained 200 core teachers on  SMASE – INSET
    22 Distribute text books, resource

    Books (Novels) graph books, Charts,

    Registers and Record books to

    Public primary and Junior Secondary


    Receive and distribute UBEC text books to schools Received and distributed UBEC text books to schools
    23  Monitor Early Child

    Development activities in the state

    Monitored Early Child

    Development activities in the state

    In collaboration with the

    FME and UBEC Monitored

    Early Child Development

    activities in the state



    Organize capacity building

    workshop on Education Quality

    Assurance for SSITs, SSOs, QAEs and

    SMOs in the State

    Train SSITs, SSOs QAEs and SMOs on Education Quality Assurance Trained SSITs, SSOs QAEs and SMOs on Education Quality Assurance
    25 Train 69 Head teachers on School

    Self evaluation (SS – e)

    Train Head teachers on School Self evaluation (SS – e) Trained 188 Head teachers on School Self evaluation (SS – e)
    26 Monitor and supervise Schools

    on quality assurance in 17 LGAs


    Quality assure 1200 schools Quality assured

    two LGAs Igbo – Etiti

    and Nkanu West

    27 Train SBMC Steering Committee Chairmen across the 17 LGEAs in the state. Train SBMC Chairmen  across 17 LGA Trained SBMC Steering Committee Chairmen across the 17 LGEAs in the state.
    28 Organize feedback session on the revised draft Enugu State School Based Management Policy (ENSBMP) 2016 Review Enugu State School Based Management Policy 2016 Revised Enugu State School Based Management Policy 2016


    2016 Project Implementation Progress Data

    S/N Type of Project Number of projects 100% (Completed Projects) 100% (Completed)
    1 New Construction of Block                of Classrooms 56 56          100% (Completed)
    2 Renovation of Blocks of Classrooms 180 180          100% (Completed)
    3 Construction  of 4-Room Squatting Toilet 112 112          100% (Completed)
      TOTAL 348 348



    Humphrey Omyima is the publisher/CEO of Leadership Scorecard magazine based in Abuja, Nigeria.

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