
    For the average Nigerian, the word emperor sounds far and unreal. It only helps one recall yester-years stories of colonisation and ruins brought upon primitive people by the by-gone autocrats like Hitler and Stalin. Little wonder, therefore, that many Nigerians, including those politically enlightened, are oblivious that the gravest problem facing our democracy today is the imperial tendency in our political culture. The tendency in question here is the reoccurring decimal in our polity where certain individuals try to establish themselves as the alphas and omegas without recourse to anybody. These individuals like ancient emperors want to build political empires where opposing view is stifled and anyone who does not worship them is trampled upon.  This attitude by all standards is anti-democracy.

    Now, anybody who has even a little knowledge of history is aware that democracy is the outcome of the civil war between the oligarchs who governed the Athenian City states and the people in the 5th century BC.  The people prevailed in that civil war and their victory ushered in democracy, a system of government in which the will of the people is supreme. Thus, a democrat as a leader does not dictate for the people; rather, he or she listens and takes instruction from the people. An emperor, unlike the democrat or the Athenian oligarch, wants to subdue and impose his or her will on the people.

    It is pertinent to note that Nigerian history is replete with people who have manifested imperial tendencies. These people, when in politics, see themselves as gods. They want to dominate every facet of the political system, determine what happens next without consulting anyone and, by so doing, become the word and the law. For them, politics is like a sole proprietorship where the owner determines and takes decisions on what happens in his business without recourse to popular opinion. This imperial tendency has done more harm than good to our evolving democracy. In fact, it is the reason why Nigeria has not made any remarkable political progress since independence.

    This article is, therefore, a clarion call to all Nigerians, especially the good people of Enugu State to imbibe and instill the leadership model of the peoples’ Governor, His Excellency, Rt. Hon. Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi, an apostle of leadership by example. It is equally imperative to let the people realise that it is their moral and civic responsibility to ensure that our polity is not only rid of imperial tendencies but, also, see that individuals with imperial orientations like Sen. Ayogu Eze and his clique are not allowed near the corridors of power.

    The 2019 general elections are almost upon us. Your voter’s card is your power to fight imperialism. Let us come together to build a New Enugu State  with Gov. Ugwuanyi where every voice matters. Say no to the ‘emperors’ in Enugu politics.

    Onyima writes from Abuja


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