An Israeli response to Iran’s retaliatory attack may be “imminent,” a source told NBC News as Israel weighed its next steps.

Tehran launched more than 300 missiles and drones at Israel, in what it said was retaliation for a strike on its consulate in Syria.

US national security council spokesman John Kirby says Iran did not issue warnings to the White House about its timeframe for launching an attack.

Britain’s PM Rishi Sunak has called on “all sides” to “show restraint”, adding that the UK was working with allies to “de-escalate” the situation.

The UK, along with the US, France, and Jordan, helped down the missiles and drones fired at Israel.
The Israeli cabinet and opposition leaders have been meeting in Tel Aviv as Israel considers its response to Saturday’s attack, Iran has warned Israel that any “reckless” retaliation would receive a “much stronger response.

An Israeli response to Iran’s retaliatory attack may be “imminent,” a source told NBC News as Israel weighed its next steps and after a meeting of the country’s war Cabinet today.

The two countries clashed at an emergency meeting of the United Nations Security Council, with Tehran insisting it does not seek further escalation after it launched the barrage of 300 drones and missiles but warning of more “decisive” strikes in retaliation to any Israeli counterattack.
U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres said it was time to “step back from the brink” as a chorus of world leaders urged restraint. President Joe Biden has warned Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu against launching new strikes on Iran. He said the U.S. would not participate in any offensive actions against Iran but has privately said he fears that Netanyahu is trying to drag the U.S. into a wider conflict,

Officials told NBC News.Israel’s war cabinet has met today to discuss a potential response to Iran’s unprecedented weekend strikes as sources told CNN that the United States expects that Israel’s response will be limited in scope.

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