By Collins Kaineme, Leadership SCORECARD Magazine Correspondent.

The concept of the role of “Great Men” in history has been strongly contested, for example by marx who saw such men as no more than representatives of powerful forces which they did not control. Even as it is widely accepted that biography constitutes only an adjunct to history, it is quite valuable but restricted in range.

One vital lesson which might perhaps be derived from such views of which the Marxists are representative, is that “Great Men” can be classified as being of two main types; those who are great by their ability to seize the opportunities of their age, to go with and then to dominate the crowd by summing up and feeding their aspirations (Kwame Nkrumah, so much loved by his people, is perhaps an example here) and those lonely and usually tragic figures (like Solzhenitsyn) whose work is carried out or whose message is given in spite of, and against the forces of their day.

Though the role of great men has perhaps been exaggerated in much historical writing, even in recent times, it still remains true that it is with human beings, whether great or not, that history is concerned.

Buoyed by the knowledge that government alone cannot provide road everywhere at the same time, Chief Captain Evarest Nnaji (Odengene) took cognisance of Governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi’s steadfastness and passion for Rural Development and funded a rural road project in Nkanu East Local Government Area of Enugu State to complement the Governor’s efforts, a practical demonstration of loyalty and open support for the Peoples Governor of Enugu State.

On the part of the state government, it was the combination of deliberate commitment, consistency of policies and collaboration with relevant stakeholders by the Governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi’s administration in Enugu State that have birthed this disposition for benevolence, confidence, cooperation and exuberant cheers cum deserving kudos to the Governor’s usual set of attitudes to specific thought-out positions and glorious heights.

The 5.4km Amagunze social responsibility asphalt road project by Chief Captain Evarest Nnaji (Odengene), the CEO of OAS Helicopter shuttle services, a born philanthropist, an industrialist and leadership icon, which was commissioned by the Executive Governor of Enugu State, Rt. Hon. Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi on Friday 6th of May 2022, has once again brought to the limelight, reasons behind the enormous commitment by the state Governor to wellbeing of Enugu State rural dwellers and which has to do with seamless connectivity among rural communities in the state.

The action of Odengene has shown that it is not only the Government that can impact on society’s goals in numerous significant perspectives but individual philanthropist and big corporations can provide counterpart supports to leverage on the efforts of the state.

This sterling contribution from Captain Evarest Nnaji is a bold challenge to all compatriots for the much expected new economic order, to continue to promote the sound visions of the foundation fathers of Enugu State, in working with the leadership at the centre for the common interest, cooperation among citizens and be able to eliminate the gaps of inequalities where the may exist between the rural and urban dwellers.

This is because on the economic front, the fortunes of any given society, rich or poor, are locked together through the instruments of trade and balance of payments.

As an entrepreneur of a global status, Odengene is able to identify the existence of an interdependence in the state economy with the connection to rural development policy of a purposeful government such that the malfunctioning of one section of the economies, impairs the functioning of the others, hence the rural development policy of the Enugu State Government under Governor Ugwuanyi’s administration.

This is no more evident than in the Nigerian economy of today which owing to the rising prices of general goods and services occassioned partly if not mainly by lack of access to rural communities and the strains in the neighbouring poor African countries, displays or rather is mounting economic chaos.

The 1980 Brandi Report, titled “North-South”: a programme for Survival, stresses the mutual benefits to all countries from a sustained programme of development in the rural areas in third world countries and documents of the current adverse trends in the world economy which points to a sombre future if not tackled cooperatively: i.e if there is no viable means of connectivity between the rural and urban dwellers.

This will give rise to growing poverty and hunger in rural areas, rising unemployment in both the city and rural areas with high inflation, international monetary disorder on the shoulders of the local currency of the country, chronic balance of payments deficit and mounting debts on the part of the government of the day.

The rural development policy thrust of the noble administration of Governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi has also portrayed the economic team of the state government as team that is well vexed in multidimensional approach processes, imbibing the reorganisation and reorientation of the entire Enugu State economic and socio-political systems which in addition to also knowing how to drive improvements in incomes and output, typically involving radical changes in its institutional, social and administrative structures as well as in popular attitudes.

This magnanimous gesture by the CEO of OAS Helicopters has shown that it does not require business connections, money or other measures of wealth before successful members of the society or big corporations can give back to their immediate society and assist in sustaining development, but only the love for humanity and the willingness to give.

Again, Odengene has by this complementary leadership role demonstrated an unimaginable sense of understanding that it is good for stakeholders in leadership and aspiring leaders to align with the core values and goals of their society so as to make positive impacts that will stand the test of time.

The activities of men today makes the history of tomorrow. Odengene has struck the right cord with the history of our dear Enugu State on the pages of tomorrow.

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