“A Renewed Vision for Law and Justice in Enugu State: Unveiling the Potentials of 2024”

Dear People of Enugu State,

As we are on the threshold of 2024, it is with immense gratitude and enthusiasm that I extend my heartfelt New Year wishes to you. Your support for the leadership of Governor Peter Ndubuisi Mbah embodies a collective aspiration to restore our beloved state to its deserved prominence.

Governor Peter Mbah’s administration is resolute in its quest to deliver quality, people focused governance, by making Enugu State the preferred destination for investment, business, tourism and living. His vision is to make Enugu one of the top 3 states in Nigeria in terms of Gross Domestic Product, and to achieve a zero percent rate in the poverty headcount index. In line with this, reforms of our legal system, including digitalization/automation of justice administration and robust law review, will be sustained and optimized this year, as a critical step towards boosting investors’ confidence and improving livelihood.

With the expeditious passage of the “2024 Budget of Disruptive Economic Growth,” the state is in a better position to succeed, as it presents a robust financial and expenditure blueprint. This budget signifies a strategic roadmap towards economic prosperity, and its swift implementation will undoubtedly contribute to the realization of our economic growth projection: from the GDP of USD 4.4 billion to USD 30 billion within this administration.

I regard the office of the Hon. Attorney General and Commissioner for Justice, Enugu State, entrusted to me by the Governor, as a call to sacred service with utmost good faith, and I shall continually and excellently discharge my duties to the state with that consciousness. I am proud to serve in Governor Peter Mbah’s Team, made up of well-rounded technocrats and leaders committed to actualizing the vision of making Enugu State great.

Let us all collectively contribute to the realization of an inclusively prosperous and just Enugu State. The road ahead may be challenging, but with unity and unwavering commitment, we can turn our aspirations into tangible achievements.

May 2024 be a year of positive transformation, disruptive growth and just prosperity for Enugu State!


Honourable Attorney General and Commissioner for Justice, Enugu State.

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