By Emmanuella Sunday

Ene “Bisola! Bisola wake up jur, madam is calling you.” Those were the words that brought me back from my deep sleep. Our madam has a reputation for being very strict and I did not want to get into her bad books. I sprang up to my feet with red eyes and a drool just at my right cheek. Kemi’s laughter caught my attention and I already knew I had just been pranked. “Where is the madam that you made me wake up for?” I asked Kemi with all seriousness. She continued laughing hysterically and I was upset that she woke me up from my beauty sleep. “I knew that you would never wake up if I did not mention madam’s name,” Kemi said, “everyone knows how terrified you are of her,” she continued, “plus, I have gist for you.” She said grinning from ear to ear. “I am not terrified of her,” I replied, “isn’t she just a normal human being like the rest of us? I only respect her because she is my boss and nothing else!” I felt Kemi tugging at the base of my dress but I was too upset to understand why. “Is that so Miss Bisola?” I felt a shiver run down my spine, I recognized that voice. I turned around in fear and anxiety and I began to shiver, “no ma, we were just joking,” I said laughingly, trying to cover up the earlier statement I made. “Have you been sleeping on duty? I can see how red your eyes are, and what?….is that a drool on your cheek?” Madam asked disgustingly, “uhhmm… I … No ma… Well…” I stammered and looked at Kemi who was well composed, pretending to be busy on her system. I continued, “Kemi and I were just…” “My Kemi? Please do not mention my name, I am not aware of what is making you sleep at work.” Kemi said. I was surprised at her outburst because I did not expect that from her. Being my friend, I expected that she would cover up for me so that our madam will be less annoyed. It was there and then that I confirmed all the rumors I had heard about Kemi. I was warned, as a new employee, by older colleagues, about her closeness with me. She had a reputation for implicating others to save herself. After the whole incident, I was invited to my madam’s office, there I received a query, and I was warned that every staff had only three strikes before they get fired, regardless of your position or relevance. I was heartbroken because I never imagined I was going to get a query one month into my new job. I quickly waved it off and decided to do better. “What was I even thinking, sleeping on duty? I was wrong and I take full responsibility for my actions,” I thought to myself.

Lunch time came rather swiftly, and I went out to one of the local restaurants to get some food to eat. I placed my order for a sumptuous Amala and Ewedu soup, with Gbegiri, as a Yoruba girl, I was always representing, infact I was known for always eating Amala. I took a seat at one of the tables in the restaurant, just by the entrance door and I was waiting for my meal to arrive. I was scrolling through Instagram where I saw a very heartwarming video of a married couple, who had been together for about 10 years and they were still very much in love with each other. The post drove my mind into a journey of endless fantasy, I imagined myself in such a sweet marriage and I could not stop smiling, I scrolled through the comment section and I read a lot of wonderful comments by other people. While I was still reminiscing about what I watched, a waitress was on her way with a tray of food, some water, and a hand wash bowl. My attention was drawn to her when other customers started yelling at her for carrying so much in such a small tray, she kept on assuring them that she would be careful enough not to spill any of it. I shrugged it off and continued with my phone since it was none of my business. Just as the waitress was about to pass by me and get to the table behind me, she tripped on one of the chairs, causing the entire tray of food to be scattered all over the place. I would have said it was still none of my business but some of the food spilled on my dress; egusi soup for that matter, and I was wearing a milk coloured dress, little did I know that the whole situation would eventually be my business. I was both annoyed and sad, because how would I go back to work with a very visible stain on my dress and the smell of egusi soup? I tried my best to control my emotions and be calm but the outburst of hot tears could not be held back, I literally cried like a baby who was denied some sweets. I became the center of attention in the local restaurant, a lot of people came to look at me and console me, the waitress apologized countlessly but I could not forgive her yet because she was warned about the food she was carrying. Tearfully, I told the owner of the place, Mrs. Akin, that the problem was not the fact that the food spilled on my dress but the fact that I had nothing else to wear back to work. While I spoke, I remembered that I had already been issued one strike a few hours ago, if I went back to work looking like a typical Nigerian dish, I would probably lose my job. Our lunch break back at the office was set for 30 minutes only, I had to think of something fast. “Maybe you should wear my clothes ma, at least they are clean, although I sweat on them a little,” Mrs. Akin suggested. At that point, I had no other option. They took me to the back of the counter, where I bent down and squeezed myself amidst pots, plates and other kitchen utensils. I managed to dress up in Mrs. Akin’s clothes, although they were not my size. The restaurant also offered to wash my spoiled dress clean and also give me free food for that day. Being a lover of good food, I did not turn down the offer of eating for free but I took my dress along with me and headed out of the restaurant with my free food in one hand, and the dress in the other hand. I felt embarrassed walking back to the office in such dress but I had no choice, I fervently prayed in my heart for my madam not to notice. I explained everything to my colleagues when I got back to the office and they felt sorry for me. I noticed Kemi making some side comments and giggles about my predicament but I quietly ignored her.

It was almost 3:30pm and I had not eaten because I was scared that my madam would walk in on us at anytime. I was so hungry and I could no longer bear it, so I asked for permission from our senior colleague, Miss Chioma, and she gave me the permission to eat at my desk. I quickly unwrapped my food, which was now cold, from the nylon and I started munching. In the process of devouring, madam walked in. There and then, I knew that it was one of my unlucky days because why have I been the center of bad things all day? I tried to set my food aside but I failed, my lips had palm oil stain on them and the room smelled of food. “First you were sleeping on duty and now this?” Yelled madam, “how did I even employ such a staff?” She was very angry and I could see her eyes raving with rage. “And what is this you are putting on Bisola? Is this what you wore this morning or did I not see you well today?” “No ma, this was not what I was wearing ma,” I tried to explain, genuflecting everytime I said “ma”. “Then what happened?” Madam asked, “Why are you dressed this way?” She asked. “Well, ma, my dress got ruined by food stains at the restaurant where I went to get food,” “Oh!” She replied, “I did not know you had a job there also,” “No ma,” I replied, “It was an accident, a waitress accidentally spilled food on me while I was waiting for my order ma.” While I explained, I noticed she bacame calm and developed some empathy towards me. She asked me to follow her down to her office. I was scared I was getting another strike again but to my greatest surprise, she went into her car, and she came back with a new dress which she offered me to try on. I did and it fit me perfectly, I was grinning widely and the Yoruba blood in me made me continually genuflect in appreciation, I was nearly lying on the floor. I was even more surprised when I heard her laugh at my gestures. She told me to be much more careful and focused. I left her office and immediately, I got my self esteem back, my aura and walking step changed. I rubbed it in Kemi’s face and I reminded her of the side talks she made about me when my dress got ruined. At least my day was getting better.

Closing time was by 6:30 pm. I received a call from madam at 6:15 pm, and in a very strict tone, she asked me to come down to her office. While I walked down the stairs, my heart kept thumping loudly in my chest, I occasionally looked down at my chest to confirm that my heart was not making an attempt to pop out at any minute. I arrived at her door and knocked gently, she asked me to come in, I did. The next statement blew my brains off, I did not know how she got to know about Shola, my man, but she asked me who he was to me and why she has been seeing my pictures all over his phone. I cracked my throat and explained; “Well, ma, Shola is my boyfriend and we have been together for about three years now.” “Oh really?” She asked, “You are in a relationship with my Shola and you are not scared to say it to my face?” “With all due respect ma, I think you are mistaking my Shola for your own Shola, I have a picture of my Shola in my phone, I can show you for the purpose of clarification.” I said, and she asked me to show her which I did; “This is the same Shola, Bisola,” said madam, “we have been together for nearly five years, so you are obviously the side piece.” I was overwhelmed with disbelief and I refused to accept what madam was saying, I kept on telling her that there was a mistake somewhere, I even went as far as saying maybe he had a twin, “If he had a twin we will both know about it right?” Asked madam, “Yes ma,” I replied, close to tears. “You can go,” she said, “I only wanted to point it out to you, we will talk about it some other time.” “Well ma, if your allegations are true, why then did you give me this beautiful dress, why did you help me?” I asked. “Leave my office now, Bisola!” She yelled, like a roaring lion. I left and headed upstairs, to pack up and go home.

Immediately I shut the door outside her office, I burst into another round of hot tears, I felt heartbroken again, devastated and betrayed. “Today is not my day at all,” I managed to say to myself between my tears. While I approached our office door, it was unusually quiet and the lights were turned off, I was surprised but then it was 6:35pm so I just concluded that everyone had gone home. “But how did they leave so fast and how come I did not see any of them leave?” I asked myself. I took my phone and put on the flashlight so I could see properly, I did not bother using the light switch since I only wanted to take my bag and leave. Almost immediately, I heard some footsteps in the room with me; “Who is there?” I asked, “Kemi are you the one? You know I am very upset with you so stop playing your foolish games with me.” There was no response and I used my flashlight to check around the room. I found Kemi hiding under her table and I said; “I knew it was you! You are always up to no good!” She giggled and I was not ready for her drama so I just left her. As I took my bag to take my leave, the light turned on by itself, or so I thought. “SURPRISE!” I was totally unimpressed because I did not understand why my colleagues would team up with Kemi to make my life even more difficult. Before I could say a word, I heard a saxophonist play a sweet melody, “Whose birthday is it today?” I asked, and no one responded, they just kept smiling at me. Before I could say another word, I saw Shola, my man, accompanied with my madam, walk in through the door. I was filled with a mix of emotions. I was surprised, angry, confused and in awe, especially after the conversation I had with my madam a few minutes ago about this same Shola. He came in with a cake and a bottle of wine, and before everyone, he went down on one of his knees and asked the big question. “My Bisola, I have watched you closely for the past couple of years we have been together and you are nothing short of amazing. You are beautiful, smart, caring, loyal, and very hardworking. I bless the day I met you and I would want you to be my girl forever.” I was smiling and almost in tears but I was still a bit confused. He reached into his suit pocket and brought out the most gorgeous silver ring I had ever seen. “My Bisola,” he continued, “please do me the honour of being my wife. Will you marry me?” I had never felt like the star of the moment in my life before as much as I did then, my colleagues were already shouting “Say Yes! Say Yes!” While capturing the moment in their phones. My madam smiled at me and said Shola put her up to the task to know if I truly trusted him, she also confessed that they had nothing romantic going on. “He is really a brave man.” She said. “I commend his audacity.” “But how did this happen?” I asked, “have you both been acquainted before now?” “That is the most amazing part Bisola,” my madam answered, “I called him brave because he confidently walked into my office and stated his intentions towards you, he also explained how he would want my involvement in his plans.” I burst into tears again, making it the third time in one day. She also said he bought the dress and asked her to give it to me one way or another, thankfully my dress got ruined during lunch which made her work a bit easier. I smiled amidst my tears and whispered a “Yes” to his proposal. “I did not hear you properly babe,” Shola said, and I cleared my throat and articulated my response loudly; “I said Yes!” This was followed by a loud applause from my colleagues and madam, the saxophonist continued playing his melody. Shola gently put the ring in my fourth finger and kissed it. He got up from one of his knees and kissed me on my lips. This gesture generated another loud applause. I was so happy. We cut the cake in the office room and shared it amongst ourselves and the saxophonist, we also shared the wine. Kemi came up to me with a very wide smile and I smiled back at her. “Congratulations my Bisola,” she said, and I replied with a “thank you,” I told her how her actions made me feel when I was in trouble and she apologized. I asked her when they came up with the whole surprise plan and she said it had been going on for about a week now. Their ability to keep it a secret from me amazed me. As for Kemi, I already decided to keep her at a distance regardless of her apology, I already made up my mind to keep her at arms length, I no longer saw her as a friend but a colleague, and I preferred it that way, at least my feelings would not get hurt so much when she betrays me next time.

I and Shola were the last people to leave the premises, the security man slept there so he was in charge of locking up. I was amazed at how a day I tagged “unlucky” became one of my best days ever. I was truly happy. Shola drove us to a sophisticated restaurant where we continued our celebration. I was exhausted from all the hustle and bustle of the day but not too tired for my own engagement activities. I got home around 9:30 pm, had a quick shower and continued in my fantasy from earlier at the restaurant, and I slept off with a smiling face, ready to walk in to work tomorrow as a soon to be bride/wife.


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