5.4 KM Amagunze Road Flag-off: Odengene and the Verdict of History

By Prince Ejeh Josh

“`When the news of the flag off of 5.4 kilometers Amagunze road by the Executive Governor of Enugu State, Rt. Hon. Ifeanyi Ugwuany, which is being singlehandedly sponsored and executed by a kind-hearted private citizen, Chief Evarest Nnaji Odengene, filtered into the air in the wake of this week, not many were surprised.

 People had accepted the news with mixed reactions. For some people, the news of the capital intensive project did not hit them with a wave of shock given the personality involved. They believed it’s the usual, routine signature and magnanimous gesture of Chief Odengene from decades past.

For others, the news of such massive project ought to have been given media publicity before the flag off. Their reason was simple: it’s technically and factually difficult for even wealthy people of his caliber to embark on simple human development and foundational empowerment. However, Chief Odengene has continued to make it clear that the most important work one could offer humanity and societal progress is one devoid of advertisement and publicity stunt.  He prefers to keep it low while allowing his massive works to speak for him.

Chief Odengene, as rightly underscored by the reverently outstanding Commissioner for Gender Affairs and Social Development, Hon. Peace Nnaji, has always struggled, right from his childhood, to leave impressive tracks behind in any place he found himself. The testimonies of the incredible works and life-changing efforts of Chief Odengene have become extensive that they are touching different nook and cranny of our society.

As the Scottish historian, writer, philosopher and mathematician, Thomas Carlyle, would solemnly submit in one of his treatises, “ No great man [should] live in vain. The history of the world is but the biography of great men.” Through Odengene’s strenuous and self-exerting efforts, it has been his dream to recreate a possible world where the plague of poverty, suffering, hopelessness, joblessness and hardship would be erased from human society. This accounts for his tireless push to move outside his comfort zone and make a better place for humanity.

Through his massive projects, from education to infrastructure, basic amenities, entrepreneurial training, job creations, etc, the manifestations that the man is changing the course of history, erasing the ugly history of poverty and economic alienation to rewriting a better history where people’s dignity and right to access to basics will be guaranteed. This has been the footprint of Odengene in our Nigerian society.

Having come so far in genuinely pouring out his heart for the good of our society, Odengene, understanding the plight of his people and appreciating the massive efforts the Governor Ugwuanyi’s administration has been making towards rural transformation, decided it was time to further his good works by complementing the efforts of the state government. What could the illustrious Captain have done at this material time having been providing means of livelihood through job opportunities, economic roadmap, connection etc to the people? The business magnate had to take the bull by the horn by dashing out a massive project that links different communities and opens up new economic routes and prospects for the people.

Yet, the Odengene many of us know has refused to make a noise about this legendary project, and has refused anyone to chant his praise. Rather than throwing lavish jamborees, he became prudent and shrewd, appreciating what a half kilometer would do to ameliorate people’s suffering. As an economic manager, planner and problem solver, who has been able to manage and pilot diverse businesses without glitch, he understands what a massive 5.4 kilometer asphalted road would do for millions of road users plying the road for economic transactions. Odengene became the history maker. He became a man who understood the pulse of the people by stooping low to listen to their cries. This is the distinctive similitude he shares with Governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi of Enugu State. Their uncanny affection for the people. Their ability to raise the bar or standard of expectations wherever they find themselves, their dexterous penchant to stoop to humility and have conversations with the people, their impressionable love for the members of the public regardless of class, and their willingness to bear the arduous burdens of the people even with pride.

It’s pertinent to emphasize on the character of Chief Odengene which came glaringly to a flashpoint at the flag off ceremony at Amagunze. Odengene is a man of few words with a myriad of actions. He spoke less at the ceremony and promised that the project would determine the extent of the people’s celebration. He could have emptied much to give back to the society as a way of furthering his selfless services to the good people of Enugu State, one thing has particularly caught my attention; history will always be kind to the philanthropist. Among his contemporary, history will judge him fairly and give him a leeway for further progress.

Even as this gigantic project has kicked started, and work is ferociously ongoing, the renowned pilot believed his gesture was inspired by the working Governor of the state. He believes that government cannot solve all the problems. Hence, individuals must complement government’s sweat to reach out to the people. Odengene has given us the reason to smile. At a time like this, the country and our dear state will always crave for people like him as leaders. Leaders who could put the interest of the general public at the forefront. Leaders who could stand with their people in rain and in sun. Leaders who could turn the economic fortune of the country and our dear state around. Leaders who understand and can feel the pulse of their people. We’ve seen Governor Ugwuanyi doing exactly that. No wonder both the north and the south are rooting for the Ugwuanyi’s Presidency to replicate his Enugu peace mantra and philosophy of good governance in Nigeria. History, indeed, will be kind, in the words of the celebrated American bard, Henry Wardsworth Longfellow, “…to these people who have been toiling upward in the day and in the night to make the world a better place.”“`

Prince Ejeh Josh, a Legal Practitioner, writes from Independence Layout, Enugu.

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